Tag Archive 'family'

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Stacking Cups

Stacking cups, only these are not stacked on top of one another, my entry for Photo Hunt spiral.

stacking cups

I was cleaning the closets and preparing the baby toys  my children played with when they were younger when I decided to take photos of the toys, including this set of stacking cups.

These were given to my brother’s young daughter.

Sigh, they don’t need these toys anymore, how time flies.

Chi-chi, our American Pit Bull Terrier


This is Chi-chi, our American Pit Bull Terrier.


Chichi (who I already featured in a PH entry here) is sweet with the kids and is very playful. Yes, she is cuddly but we seldom cuddle her because she is big, heavy, and muscled.

When she steps on your toes with her big paws or stands up and the nails scratched your arm, you will definitely say “Awww!”

Pit Bulls are probably one of the misunderstood breeds among dogs.

Oops, my short post just got long. I am a bit busy these days and had only a little time to write a post.

Now back to looking for pre-employment screening for a friend who is putting up a new biz.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Feb 20th 2010 | Filed in Bonding Time,From the Admin's Desk,Through the Lens,Trivia | Comments (3)

How Do You Spell Daytona

Our son loves playing racing games and watching racing sports. Currently his favorite is the first season of the Bullrun Season 1 which he watches on DVD. He watched the whole season twice already 😉

So when we were having our Memory Drill games yesterday with two of my students, I was surprised he misspelled “Daytona” when he himself associated the word/place with “Nascar” (yes, where we see those Nascar jackets with a lot of colorful logos) when one of the boys he was having the drills with asked what Daytona is. (The word in the drill was Dayton, actually)

Frankly, I was disappointed when all of them misspelled Daytona since this is one of the racing games they can see in the arcades.

When I reminded them that they all said “Ay, tama!” (That’s right!) Yeah right 😀

Posted by Treasure Jar on Feb 14th 2010 | Filed in Bonding Time,From the Admin's Desk,Rides | Comments (0)

Hearty Meals with Olive Oil


I have featured the dish (below) here as it was done in a cooking class I was invited to go to.

Last Wednesday night, we had it for dinner with a few minor changes according to what I have at home.

pasta and fish fillet

I plan to cook more using olive oil even if it is a bit of a strain in the pocket but if the benefits are good for the family’s health, why not?

I usually use soybean oil for cooking and I still do especially in frying (fish) which requires more oil.

Starting Over

I chatted with a friend last week. I asked why he was online at odd times. He told me that he has been having temp jobs and that he is doing an IT job search at the moment.

One question led to another until I found out that he used to work with my brother-in-law a few months back. He even has a photo of them together. Talk about small world! Now my brother-in-law is in another IT company while he is in another country starting over.

A lot of IT professionals in this country are migrating to other more developed countries in search for the proverbial pot of gold. Some have it good while others do not find it.

Brain drain it is, as not only IT professionals who are leaving but teachers, doctors, nurses,engineers and other white collar workers too, in order to have a better and a more financially stable future for their families, even if they have to start over.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Jan 19th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,introspection | Comments (1)

New Babies and Toddlers in the Family

When we went home to the province last weekend to visit the wake of our granduncle, I was surprised to see a lot of babies and toddlers in the family. So, aside from my brother’s baby girl,  my cousin bore two more girls from when I last saw her second child.

I don’t even want to think about how many nephews and nieces I have on my mother’s side of the family. My mom sent me an sms during Christmas that there are so many kids during their annual Christmas reunion.

I joked that they should send out birth announcements to us so we know the head count of the offspring, LOL.


I made a little compilation of the young addition to the family that I have pictures of. I know there are missing kids here so to that I say, “sorry po, eto lang meron ako” 😀

Posted by Treasure Jar on Jan 10th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,Socials,Through the Lens,Trivia | Comments (0)

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