Starting Over

I chatted with a friend last week. I asked why he was online at odd times. He told me that he has been having temp jobs and that he is doing an IT job search at the moment.

One question led to another until I found out that he used to work with my brother-in-law a few months back. He even has a photo of them together. Talk about small world! Now my brother-in-law is in another IT company while he is in another country starting over.

A lot of IT professionals in this country are migrating to other more developed countries in search for the proverbial pot of gold. Some have it good while others do not find it.

Brain drain it is, as not only IT professionals who are leaving but teachers, doctors, nurses,engineers and other white collar workers too, in order to have a better and a more financially stable future for their families, even if they have to start over.

Treasure Jar Jan 19th 2010 02:25 pm From the Admin's Desk,introspection One Comment Trackback URI Comments RSS

One Response to “Starting Over”

  1. Photo Cache on 20 Jan 2010 at 8:29 am link comment

    You cannot blame people for seeking out better source of living. Unfortunately that source is always across the ocean and over the seas.

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