I could get “lost” in a hardware store just as others could get “lost” in a clothes store.
I don’t know why but I enjoy looking at bathroom fixtures, different lamps, gardening thingamajigs, even casters, nuts and bolts, curtains and paints. No, I am not an interior decorator in hiding considering the home needs a lot of basic fixes like floor time (i.e. sweeping, mopping and more sweeping and mopping) and dusting the cabinets here and there.
Speaking of which, hardware store finds, I still haven’t written about my ever-reliable Rubbermaid home cleaning tools like the comfort grip tile and grout brush and duster (which I can’t find in the official site).
Now if only these would start cleaning by themselves… lol.
Tags: cleaning, haradware store, home, household chores

Vegetable salads are one of my favorite food. Below is a bowl of vegetable salad I prepared: cheese cubes, Romaine lettuce, black olives, cucumber, tomato and carrot slices.

It just occurred to me and I just checked, I already featured this photo in this blog post for my 2010 Project 365 (which is not updated by the way for almost a month!)
Tags: black, black olives, carrot, cheese, cucumber, food, food photo, health, healthy eating, home, Photo Hunter, Photography, Romaine lettuce, tomato

This is Chi-chi, our American Pit Bull Terrier.

Chichi (who I already featured in a PH entry here) is sweet with the kids and is very playful. Yes, she is cuddly but we seldom cuddle her because she is big, heavy, and muscled.
When she steps on your toes with her big paws or stands up and the nails scratched your arm, you will definitely say “Awww!”
Pit Bulls are probably one of the misunderstood breeds among dogs.
Oops, my short post just got long. I am a bit busy these days and had only a little time to write a post.
Now back to looking for pre-employment screening for a friend who is putting up a new biz.
Tags: American Pit Bull Terrier, APBT, dogs, family, home, Philippines, Photo Hunter, Pit Bull
Woohoo, thanks Maynilad Water Services! We now have water in our taps 24/7!
Yes, I am soooo excited that when we went to the supermarket today I bought cleaning agents, brushes, rags, Anilox rolls and yes, even a new mop so we have a new one just in case the almost-new mop gives out from too much use. Who am I kidding. LOL.
I hope this enthusiasm is not short-lived for if only the floors have voices, I know that they have long been calling for me to give them attention. How? Something like “Clean me!” or “Mop me!” 
Tags: home
I dread housework. I am not good with household chores and that includes dusting furniture, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes. It is not surprising then that the garage floor is not clean.
I know I should be better, have to do better since I have allergies and so does my son so there should not be dust in the house especially during this time when the weather is windy and dust is all around.
There really is no excuse for this non-dusting.
Or is there?
Rose Milligan wrote in “Dust If You Must“:
Remember, a house becomes a home when you can write “I love you” on the furniture.
Tags: family, home, home management, housekeeping, thoughts
The kids love to watch DVD movies. Hubby and I are on the lookout for a new unit since ours seem to be on the brink of extinction due to abuse, misuse and old age.
Oh, did I mention that the remote control’s buttons do not correspond to the function it is supposed to do?
Bluray dvd players would be a good thing to get to replace said unit. Hubby wants a player with a DIV-X format for the encoded AVI files of movies and TV series.
I am sure our Kuya will be the happiest for there would be no need to call him when we need to pause the player or choose a chapter 
Tags: children, home, movies, technology, toys