Been enjoying the relatively cool weather even if it means a lot of people, including my children are getting some sniffles. Much as I love this cool weather though I fear what the summer will bring. I can perhaps do something about the heat and bear it till the temps go down at night.
I have several plans for summer and none of that include travel yet. What are these things?
- We plan to get rechargeable fans and lights for the brownout schedules.
- We also plan to get more water containers like steel drums and big plastic ones for the foreseen water shortage. As I’ve written, we are not used to having water 24/7 and I think we can live with that since we have been doing that for more than a decade already because we are used to storing water for rationing.
- We plan to purchase more comfortable clothes for summer to temporarily not feel humid weather.
- More fruits to quench the thirst is a best way to go.
Do you have summer plans already?
Tags: family, Philippine summer, Philippines, summer no water, summer plans, summer rotational brownouts, summer water shortage, water shortage
When I cook pasta, I don’t have exact recipes that I follow. Whatever we have in the fridge is what I use, as long as these would give delight the fickle taste buds of my children.
Here is my simple version of chicken alfredo pasta Cajun Chicken Pasta

red and green bell pepper
sliced olives (optional, I added these because we have extra from another dish that I cooked)
bite-sized chicken (from chicken breasts)
all-purpose cream and cheese for the sauce
Italian herb seasoning for flavors instead of Cajun
spaghetti noodles cooked according to instructions
I topped mine with fresh parsley bits.
Tags: chicken and pasta, dining, dinner, family, food and dining, pasta
Our two younger kids joined an online contest last year launched by Del HypoAllergenic Fabric Softener. And they won!
We promised them their own laptop IF they do what is asked of them which was fairly easy: to dance. Dance they did and we won, yipee!
They have been bugging us when we are going to get the promised gadget for them and I know it is gonna be soon since we already got the price money.
Kids these days, they don’t ask for simpler things anymore, they like techie stuff 
Tags: children, family, online contests, technology
I have been very slack lately, sleeping late to catch a television show because I have to write about it. This also means waking up late and missing breakfast altogether. Waking up late means I have to rush, rush, and rush more and I feel stressed. The heat is also a contributing factor to this slacking.
I have not run for a long time. I had lots of carbonated and sugared drinks during the day. I think the only healthy intake I have these days are the kefir in my fruits, brown rice and less fat meat. I miss having vegetables.
Do I need to read lipofuze reviews right now?
I think what I need is to better manage my time. Make a schedule of the priorities I need to do like house chores and avoid activities, mostly online, that make me lose track of time.
School year is starting in a few days time and I really hope to get back in the groove otherwise, I would not be able to wake up as early as 5am to cook lunch food for the children.
I got tired composing this so I think I need to tend to the family’s needs now.
Tags: family, work

The end of last year signaled grief to my father’s side of the family when a grand uncle passed away. We were able to visit him a few days before he breathed his last and it was a bittersweet memory that he still recognized me, disoriented though he was.
This sunset photo (I made it grainy in texture) was taken when we were on our way home from that visit:

Here is the photo without the grainy texture.
We went back a few days after for his wake but we just stayed for some time since we had to travel back home. It was good to see relatives even if the circumstances were sad. Spending some time with them, albeit it was a very short time made me realize how much I have been amiss on what is happening with them. Continue Reading »
Tags: family, Photo Hunter, sunset
I know this is a super-duper late post (rolls eyes) to be thinking about mother’s day gift ideas this year since Mother’s Day has come and gone in this part of the world. On the other hand, I just concluded a post-Mother’s Day contest so I see nothing wrong 
In Sweden, they will be celebrating Mother’s Day on May 30. Spain celebrated this special day last March.
Anyway, for me, as a daughter and a mom, cliche though it seems, Mother’s day should be celebrated everyday. Mother’s Day does not mean grand dinner, expensive gifts and ceremonial toasts. Simple gestures like a hug, a sent message, doing something special for each other and saying how much you love and value your children and or you mom are all big things done in small ways.
Tags: family, Mother's Day