I love fresh tomatoes.

No, that is not my vegetable garden but I wish it was, lol.
I use these fresh tomatoes with omelet, as a side dish, for pasta and as part of sandwich fillings.
Below is a photo I have already used in this post:

We had this again the other night but this time using vegeroni spirals.
No photo though, we just dug in as soon as the dish was ready.
Yeah, we were that hungry.
We were also in a bit of hurry because I needed to go online for a live chat.
Happy Sunday and yes, happy eating 
Tags: cooking, dining, eggplant, food, food photo, healthy eating, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, pasta, Photography, Purse Strings, tomatoes
Healthy living is not something we should decide upon to adapt or not, as a lifestyle.
Healthy living is the only choice if we put our perspectives in order.
Why not? Being healthy is one ticket to a life that is not riddled with chemical-induced relief from pain and hospital bills.
There are even some illnesses where people need to travel to seek help.Going for cancer treatments in the USA, spine surgery Mexico, and probably even seeking ayurvedic medicine treatments in India are just some of the costly steps people have in order to be healthy again.
Some would even travel to places where it is said that prayers and prayer offerings can give miraculous effect.
Becoming healthy or espousing a healthy living starts with the self.
Some first steps to be considered would be healthy eating, having a fitness program, getting enough sleep and not getting stressed too much.
Yes, it seems like an impossibility to some but taking one small step at a time will surely help one live a lifestyle considered healthy.
Tags: fitness, food, health, healthy eating, healthy living, Purse Strings, thoughts

My eldest daughter’s project last year was to make a bag from a pair of denim pants.
Here is a part of her project with some dainty beads:

I featured a different bead in this photo for another photomeme.
My other entry for bag.
Tags: children, family, Photo Hunter, Photography, Purse Strings
Dona Elena Cuisinera Club is a virtual hub where mothers, health practitioners and foodies get together virtually to share recipes that will promote healthy eating.
Not only do these members meet in the virtual world, they get to meet each other too, through monthly cooking lessons.
Can healthy and nutritious food go hand in hand? Yes!
How can this be?
Through the use of olive oil in preparing healthy, nutritious and of course, yummy food.

What are the benefits of olive oil?
- It is rich in monounsaturated fat with anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive properties.
- It can lower cholesterol level and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease AS LONG AS healthy and active lifestyle is also being practiced.
- Olive oil is rich in polyphenols which is a potent antioxidant that scavenges harmful free radicals in the body.
Go ahead, throw away those fat-laden and/or salty junk food and start learning to cook healthy and nutritious food.
You won’t need to read a lot about chemical-based weight loss supplements, herbal whatnot, alli and why starving yourself is bad (LOL) to be able to live a healthy lifestyle 
The choice is yours to make, here is to healthy living!
Tags: dining, family, food, pasta, Purse Strings

- Werewolf :: Jacob Black, woohoo!
- Jim :: my cousin
- 2×4 :: a 4 x 4 would be better
- Unruly :: and boisterous bunch, kids in the neighborhood
- Component :: this was what we use to call an audio equipment
- Prolific :: I aim to be a blogger with this word (dream on)
- Wrestler :: Hulk Hogan (my age shows, lol)
- Huh? :: Huh?
- Dolls :: my youngest daughter prefers toy for boys like cars, police officer gadgets and swords
- Super! :: Yey!
As I was looking for colon cleanse reviews, clicking on links brought me to an article that has listed several ways to spend Christmas with a lot of savings.
And to that I say “Yey! Super!”
Tags: books, Christmas, Jacob Black, Purse Strings, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play
With Christmas 2009 just a few weeks away, it is no wonder malls are having possible gifts on display. Bazaars are happening left and right.
I do not want to dampen the joyous Christmas spirit but here in our country, at least the way I see it, Christmas will have a different meaning after all the things that happened to a lot of people and families.
Of course, husbands/male partners will still think of going to aisles that say “gifts for her” as would wives/female partners do. That is natural.
But for me who will be starting my Frugal Christmas year 2 for Christmas 2009, I hope to instill Christmas with less emphasis on the material things with my children.
Tags: Christmas, family, gifts, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, Philippines, Purse Strings, thoughts