I have featured the dish (below) here as it was done in a cooking class I was invited to go to.
Last Wednesday night, we had it for dinner with a few minor changes according to what I have at home.

I plan to cook more using olive oil even if it is a bit of a strain in the pocket but if the benefits are good for the family’s health, why not?
I usually use soybean oil for cooking and I still do especially in frying (fish) which requires more oil.
Tags: cooking, cream dory, family, fish fillets, food, food and dining, food photo, health, healthy eating, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, olive oil, pasta

I love fresh tomatoes.

No, that is not my vegetable garden but I wish it was, lol.
I use these fresh tomatoes with omelet, as a side dish, for pasta and as part of sandwich fillings.
Below is a photo I have already used in this post:

We had this again the other night but this time using vegeroni spirals.
No photo though, we just dug in as soon as the dish was ready.
Yeah, we were that hungry.
We were also in a bit of hurry because I needed to go online for a live chat.
Happy Sunday and yes, happy eating 
Tags: cooking, dining, eggplant, food, food photo, healthy eating, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, pasta, Photography, Purse Strings, tomatoes
With Christmas 2009 just a few weeks away, it is no wonder malls are having possible gifts on display. Bazaars are happening left and right.
I do not want to dampen the joyous Christmas spirit but here in our country, at least the way I see it, Christmas will have a different meaning after all the things that happened to a lot of people and families.
Of course, husbands/male partners will still think of going to aisles that say “gifts for her” as would wives/female partners do. That is natural.
But for me who will be starting my Frugal Christmas year 2 for Christmas 2009, I hope to instill Christmas with less emphasis on the material things with my children.
Tags: Christmas, family, gifts, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, Philippines, Purse Strings, thoughts

Lumpiang Shanghai
The kids love these crunchy rolls dipped in sweet and sour sauce. This is a must-have in a nearby “old style eatery” (ala panciteria) that serve Chinese-inspired food.

Coupled with a bowl of warm noodles, this is a simple meal that will surely warm tummies during rainy days.
Tags: food, Kowloon, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, lumpiang shanghai

Sprinkles make food more exciting, flavorful and colorful.
Here is Yellow Cab Pizza’s Charlie Chan Chicken Pasta sprinkled with green onions and bits of chili flakes:

Spicy, yes. I love it!
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Tags: charlie chan chicken pasta, food, food photos, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, pasta, sprinkles, yellow cab pizza

Succulent lechon ribs can be had over here at the home of Lasang Pinoy Sundays 
For the juicy = succulent combination, here is fresh pineapple for a lot of nutritional love:

Why settle for something that came from a can loaded wth sugars when you can have it natural and fresh?
Tags: food photo, fresh pineapple, juicy, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, pineapple juice, succulent