Tag Archive 'summer'

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Ice Cream

The sweet ice cream just got sweeter with chocolate syrup.

ice cream

Summer = unbearable heat. See how fast the ice cream melted before the children even started scooping their share. The kids even kidded it felt like having a chocolate milk shake than ice cream 😀

I Am Not Ready for Summer

I heard giggling girls at the mall today talking about crash diets that work.

Just exactly what I need to remind me that summer is HERE and I haven’t done a thing to at least minimize, ok then burn, these unsightly mid-body bulges. Ugh.

Eat plenty of raw leafy vegetables? Check.

Use of olive oil in cooking? Check.

More healthy eating? Check.

More fruits in the diet? Check.

Staying on schedule re morning rounds? Check. For not doing these religiously in reality but mental running definitely a yes. Booo!!!

No soda or sugared drinks? Check for yes 🙁

Definitely not ready for summer yet.

Oh well, I may not be able to wear clothes that are the current fad, my only wish is that I be healthy and free from any illnesses.

Bitter, hahaha.

Come to think of it, without no one to mind the house, we can’t even go on a vacation, not even spend oversight at my parents’ home. It has been years ago since we had a real vacation away from home.

Staycation is not really a case to be sad about, we love to stay at home and chill but being in an entirely different place and exploring new surroundings can do a lot for bored children.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Mar 18th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk | Comments (0)



Posted by Treasure Jar on Mar 10th 2010 | Filed in introspection,Through the Lens | Comments (3)

How to Protect Yourself From Heat

We have been experiencing extreme hot weather condition on a daily basis. Yes, there is no stopping summer. Just the other day, we experienced 34.5 degrees Celsius.

I am  sure that even if there are people who are gearing for rv repairs for their road trips, more are worried about their crops or lack of it due to El Nino phenomenon.

I have read somewhere that the weather will reach up to 40 degrees. Ugh!

It is important then to know how to protect yourself from heat:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, if possible more than 8 glasses per day.
  • Replace lost salt by drinking sports drinks. Salts and minerals are lost because of sweating.
  • Use sunscreen whenever you will be under the heat of the sun.
  • Avoid being directly under the sun from 10am till 2pm.
  • Wear clothes made of light materials.
  • Monitor those who are at risk like babies and elderly.
  • Try to lighten up your physical activities to avoid exhaustion.

It is important to try to slow down especially when one feels exhausted.

There, I hope I was able to enumerate a few helpful tips on how to protect one’s self from heat this summer.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Feb 26th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,FYI,introspection,Skin Deep | Comments (3)

Summer is Here, Hurray?

The heat is unbearable and summer is not officially here yet. Or is it?

I know this is the season (or it might be even too late in the day) to look for the best weight loss products to help one wear a swimsuit of choice. If not then it is time to get that beach shawl that will best suit the beach wear one plans to use 😀

Am laughing but I know I will be the latter 😀

Isn’t it ironic that those things that will make you forget the heat for a while (think: ice cream, halo-halo, just bumming in an air-conditioned room, fruit shakes, shaved ice drinks and ice cold Coke of course!) are the ones that will make the waistline expand.

Gah! I need a glass of ice cold orange juice to think this over 🙂

Posted by Treasure Jar on Feb 18th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,introspection,Skin Deep,Socials | Comments (5)

Tiny Wildflower


Spotted background.

little wild flower

This tiny yellow wildflower has a background of green grass with tiny yellow flowers. The background looks spotted with yellow dots.

Or maybe it’s just me 😉

A full moon hiding behind the clouds was spotted here.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Jan 29th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,Through the Lens,Visual Delights | Comments (7)

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