Last year’s tree was adorned with handmade decorations like little paper trees, photos and yes, paper stockings. Below is one of the many photos we have put up the tree:

These handmade decorations were tied with a silver cord.
Have a great weekend and I hope we don’t get tied down with a lot of stress and negative things 
Tags: Christmas, Crafts, family, handmade, handmade crafts, Philippines, Photo Hunter
With Christmas 2009 just a few weeks away, it is no wonder malls are having possible gifts on display. Bazaars are happening left and right.
I do not want to dampen the joyous Christmas spirit but here in our country, at least the way I see it, Christmas will have a different meaning after all the things that happened to a lot of people and families.
Of course, husbands/male partners will still think of going to aisles that say “gifts for her” as would wives/female partners do. That is natural.
But for me who will be starting my Frugal Christmas year 2 for Christmas 2009, I hope to instill Christmas with less emphasis on the material things with my children.
Tags: Christmas, family, gifts, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, Philippines, Purse Strings, thoughts

My other entry, almost sunset photo is here.
Lovely sunflower eh? I wish to see lots and lots of these. Why?

With so much destruction and devastation brought about by the two typhoons that ravaged the country recently, it is easy to just pretend that everything was just a bad dream but its not.
I long for sun-kissed days, even parched lips and prickly heat, days at the beach, sunflowers and colorful sunsets.
A little rain every now and then to quench the thirst of the earth and to bring a refreshing feeling would also be perfect.
I can dream, can I?
“Lord, we don’t need this one now to add more suffering and to sow more panic and fear to what we have been through.”
Tags: family, introspection, nature photo, Philippines, Photo Hunter, sunflowers, thoughts, typhoon
Itchy and grumpy allergic kids?
Protect your child from skin allergy like rashes and itchiness by using hypoallergenic products. These hypoallergenic products are not just limited to using body creams, lotions and soaps.
Using products that are safe for the children’s sensitive skin and definitely mommy recommended is important to ensure the best products for them:

Now there is a hypoallergenic fabric softener from the makers of Green Cross alcohol: Del Hypollergenic Fabric Softener in Pure Cotton Scent:

We have tried this and the kids love the scent. Clothes are softer too 
Tags: children, family, food photos, health
One of the risks working parents have to take is to leave their child(ren) behind in the care of their nannies. Most of the time, these nannies are strangers. When they get a little lucky, these nannies are people known to them. There are those who have their parents look after their children.
Is it any wonder then that in situations like these, household put up video surveillance equipment in their homes?
If my situation is like that I have mentioned above, i would definitely install these things. And why not? There have been a lot of abuses recorded on these equipments by yes, the nannies towards the children they were supposed to take care of.
Some were so difficult to watch. One time I even had my younger children watch a video that managed to record an abuse by a nanny who brutally abused her ward, a girl that looked like 3-4 years old.
My then 7yo son told me why I am making them watch it, the act being done was bad.
I told them so they know that there are people who will do these things to them and they should know what to do. He answered back that I am always there and that no one will do that to them. Awww…
Sigh. Be careful in choosing your child’s nanny.
Tags: family, nanny
I love chocolates and need I say that my children do too?

We always have chocolates in the house though before we have these in bars, now these come in bite sizes. The intake is also moderated since the kids ( and I ) have these for dessert.
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Tags: chocolates, family, food, health, Nestle Crunch bar, skin care