I have written here that we love to go to Power Books TriNoma.

While the children are reading in the children’s section, I go over to an adjacent section and look at the recipe books while my eldest daughter browses shelves filled with books she is interested to read.
One time, I overhead a group of teenagers whispering and giggling about looking for books about skin care. One mentioned something that sounded unfamiliar. I searched for it when we got home and found out the name: accutane. Definitely sounds new to me.
Anyway, I would want to get a copy of a certain recipe book when we get back. I’m sure my eldest daughter would again ask me to get that other vampire book for her (rolls eyes).
Tags: books, children, Philippines, Power Books, reading, The Magic Treehouse series, words

- Suitcase :: have one, will travel
- Exhaust :: Fan in the kitchen has been stolen years ago
- Olympics :: go, go, go!
- Video :: (s) of my children make me smile
- Cargo :: have one, will travel, just don’t have too much so you don’t pay extra

- Previously :: on NCIS…
- Wild card :: Its Your Lucky Day!
- Artificial :: relief for wrinkles, wrinkle cream
- Gambling :: I believe is an addiction that is an issue with a lot of people
- Exhibition :: Games are always fun to watch
Tags: mutterings, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, words
Yesterday, we went window shopping for sports apparel. It was fun looking at shoes, shirts and shorts. I thoroughly enjoy doing this even if the budget (as usual) does not allow me to get what I think I need at the moment.
Plus the fact that I still need to do more sweating (no, I will not succumb to using weight loss products) to shed off the (ugly and) excess mid-body pounds, I refuse to get that blue running tee from Nike Essentials.

I want need one!!!!
Tags: Nike Essentials, running, running tee
Being on the lookout for natural skin care, one of the best things to use would be virgin coconut oil.
As I have mentioned in this post about the soaps we have used which have virgin coconut oil as a main ingredient, pure coconut oil has so many benefits to the skin and in my opinion, should be included in most beauty products being sold in the market.
Why the country, with so many coconut tree plantations is not cashing on virgin coconut oil in the skin care products being manufactured here is a puzzle to me. Virgin coconut oil, not chemicals, should be patronized and used because of its healthy benefits.
These are just some of the skin conditions that are best dealt with pure coconut oil: dry, wrinkled skin, psoriasis, eczema treatment, dermatitis, among others.
This is just about skin care benefits. There are also healthy benefits for hair care, stress relief, weight loss, digestion, dealing with a variety of infections are just some of the few that benefit from the use of virgin coconut oil.
I really hope this product will be used so consumers will benefit from its good results.
Tags: coconut oil, pure coconut oil, skin care, virgin coconut oil
Our son loves playing racing games and watching racing sports. Currently his favorite is the first season of the Bullrun Season 1 which he watches on DVD. He watched the whole season twice already 
So when we were having our Memory Drill games yesterday with two of my students, I was surprised he misspelled “Daytona” when he himself associated the word/place with “Nascar” (yes, where we see those Nascar jackets with a lot of colorful logos) when one of the boys he was having the drills with asked what Daytona is. (The word in the drill was Dayton, actually)
Frankly, I was disappointed when all of them misspelled Daytona since this is one of the racing games they can see in the arcades.
When I reminded them that they all said “Ay, tama!” (That’s right!) Yeah right 
Tags: arcade games, family, motorsports, Nascar, No-Glamour Memory, racing

The Thunbergia plant has broken into the third floor windows! Oh no! In this entry, the sun’s rays has “broken” the clouds.

Good thing no one stays here anymore. And yes, this has been pulled down and cut.
That is a water tank out there so you can imagine how the vine took over everything, yes it can grow wild when untended 
Tags: Thunbergia, Thunbergia plant, vine