Help for Typhoon Victims in the Philippines
If you know of anyone needing help or wanting to give help to those victims of Typhoon Ondoy, visit this site:
If you know of anyone needing help or wanting to give help to those victims of Typhoon Ondoy, visit this site:
For this Saturday’s Photo Hunter theme twisted, I present to you, the magician’s assistant with her twisted body. Well, it is more like body cut in half
Fear not, it IS a magic trick we saw from this party. Woot, woot!
Itchy and grumpy allergic kids?
Protect your child from skin allergy like rashes and itchiness by using hypoallergenic products. These hypoallergenic products are not just limited to using body creams, lotions and soaps.
Using products that are safe for the children’s sensitive skin and definitely mommy recommended is important to ensure the best products for them:
Now there is a hypoallergenic fabric softener from the makers of Green Cross alcohol: Del Hypollergenic Fabric Softener in Pure Cotton Scent:
We have tried this and the kids love the scent. Clothes are softer too
Meet Cookie, a Shih Tzu pup.
Doesn’t she look adorable and cute?
Well, she is adorable and cute and anyone would probably want to have one like her, including children.
Having a pet is not easy because there are so many responsibilities that go with it. Caring for pets require a lot from its human: proper food, grooming, getting the dog supplies needed and proper medical care.
Introducing Red Ribbon’s White Forest cake:
What more can you ask for? Nothing more I guess, and as I slowly savored bites from a slice earlier, I tried not to think about best diet pills yet. I can always go walking tomorrow.
Get your cake now and experience the creamy goodness of Red Ribbon’s White Forest cake. Available in Red Ribbon stores starting September 18, 2009.