Tag Archive 'Lasang Pinoy Sundays'

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French Toast

I know this is a Lasang Pinoy Sundays meme and my title is French Toast 😉 The LaPiS theme for this week is MELTed bliss

This is one of the children’s favorite breakfast and snack fare: French Toast

Nothing fancy, I just mixed sweet milk (condensed) with egg, put a dash of cinnamon powder for the dip (is it called dip?)

Then I put sliced cheese on the lower half of a bread from a loaf, folded it and dipped in the egg mixture

I then cooked this with a little melted butter turning over the bread once one side is cooked and the bread is ready to be served 🙂 The melted cheese inside is just plain bliss 🙂

The kids have this with cold chocolate milk or just plain milk, yummy!

Fine Dining Means Eating Less While Paying More

Fine dining is something we don’t usually do, especially if we are the ones who will foot the bill. Yes, its that expensive on this side of the planet. Truth is, I would rather try (very hard) cooking food fit for fine-dining and serve these at home 😀

That is how a miser I am we are (oops, nabuking).

Anyway, here is a photo of a fine dining restaurant’s table, sans the china and silverware:

‘Hence, I am leaving it all up to you to help me come up with a more accurate description.” You wrote this and to that I answer:

fine dining means eating less while paying more 😉

So how do we eat these wee things?

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Posted by Treasure Jar on Mar 23rd 2009 | Filed in Plateful of Fun,Purse Strings,Through the Lens,Visual Delights | Comments (11)

Fresh Tomatoes

We always have fresh tomatoes at home. Tomatoes are wonderful fruits and there are many ways to use these for the different food that we like to have.

These may be omelet, pasta, ginisang ulam, eaten as side dish or as sandwich filling.

So why did I put these tomatoes instead of a photo of our (a bit cramped) kitchen? Because these are always on the kitchen counter several times a week for our food preparation 🙂

In fact we just had an omelet a while ago for breakfast and you can probably guess what is in it 😀

Posted by Treasure Jar on Mar 15th 2009 | Filed in Fresh Produce,Kitchen Needs,Through the Lens,Trivia,Visual Delights | Comments (8)

Banana, Oats and Chocolate Chips

Plantain bananas, oats and chocolate chips are what can be found inside this bread that I make at home. Sometimes using the same recipe, I also make these as muffins.

Yes, I know, putting chocolate chips, even if its the semi-sweet kind is not really a good idea for me who  really needs diet pills, wait make that, needs to lose weight but the aroma of chocolate and banana in bread is wonderful for me!

I always make four batches of mini-loaves of this kind and always, always, it is a hit with the hubby and the kids who love to have the bread still warm. If I bake it in the morning before it turns dark, everything is gone.

Served best with coffee or milk 🙂

Posted by Treasure Jar on Mar 9th 2009 | Filed in FYI,Kitchen Needs,Purse Strings,Through the Lens | Comments (9)

Sago’t Gulaman for TriColore

I was a bit challenged with this one and since I can not find any tricolore food photo in my files that I have cooked/made, I decided to put this hastily-taken photo of a glass of Sago’t Gulaman. Gutom na kasi at that time kaya hastily taken, more like an after-thought, 😀

Sago’t gulaman. One of the Pinoy thirst-quenchers that seems to have taken a back seat because of the influx of sugar-laden soda drinks, tea-based drinks and other drinks called shakes with chemically enhanced flavors. This is perfect for summer, isn’t it? If not, a halo-halo will do just fine 😀

Gotta.have.one.like.this.today ->note to self.

Yeah and not think that I need some weight loss pills to get ready for the beach this summer 😀

Posted by Treasure Jar on Mar 1st 2009 | Filed in FYI,Plateful of Fun,Through the Lens,Trivia | Comments (25)

Banana and Cheese Turon


I was feeling a little worried that I would have to go order myself that wrap in one of the fast food nearby.  I was also tempted to buy a shawarma, warm, cheesy and spicy. But wait, these are not Filipino foods so I thought long and hard because I knew I have something in my files and so I have!

Very simple, very Pinoy and very tasty: our home made Saba con cheese turon 😀

How to make these? Simple and here is how:

First of course, get some ripe bananas using the saba variety:

A little overripe is ok. Cut these bananas into four pieces.

Cut the cheese like little cheese sticks, or the size of French fries.

Put the sliced banana and cheese together on a wrap (lumpia wrapper, store bought) and sprinkle with a little sugar. We use muscovado sugar variety at home.

Fry these banana and cheese turon in a hot skillet and you will have:

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Posted by Treasure Jar on Feb 22nd 2009 | Filed in Kitchen Needs,Plateful of Fun,Purse Strings,Recipes,Through the Lens | Comments (16)

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