Mabolo or Velvet apple seems to be a rare fruit these days.

Mabolo tastes like apple, only softer and fleshier.I remember eating this as a child because our neighbor had a tree and under it was a bench where we (my neighbor friends and I) could sit and eat mabolo.
For more info on mabolo or velvet apple, click here and here.
Tags: food, fruits, mabolo, Mabolo Velvet Apple, Philippine fruit, velvet apple

- Rhythm :: of the Night (fave song from long ago)
- Baby :: Blue
- Sanctimonious :: some people can be
- I like :: to go on a vacation with my family
- Constipated :: fiber!
- Sleep late :: always, even if i have to be awake at 4am
- Over easy :: eggs
- Erratic :: the net sometimes
- Umbrella :: i don’t have one
- You don’t :: put yourself on a pedestal
Tags: Unconscious Mutterings
It has been awhile, no, it has been a long time since we last went to our family biking/walking/running bonding time.

The thule rack is dusty and so are the bikes. The kids still can’t ride without training wheels and that is something not to be proud of because they are not that young anymore.
I always tell the family, next Sunday we will go do these things again but sleep, that elusive sleep wins over more than anything including breakfast and the need to be fit.
I always tell myself, tomorrow, I will start my early morning walking routine but then either the online lure is more powerful or the bed is pulling me back to its soft comfort.
On Sunday, we will do something different and I am hoping even with the lack of preparation, my legs are up to the task even if I still feel pain from walking and hiking for two days with my school children.
Tags: biking, family bonding, fitness, running, walking

- Inception :: haven’t watched it yet
- Anticipation :: giddy!
- Space :: outer
- Earn :: work hard
- .com ::

- Hello! :: Goodbye!
- Equivalent :: not equivalent
- Swore :: uh-oh!
- Actions :: speak louder than words
- Expletive! :: @#%^&*

- Dickens :: Tale of Two Cities
- Collection :: of books in our library
- Weekends :: are always anticipated
- Travel :: is something we always look forward to
- District :: Parsonage for the Head Pastor
- Vampires :: Cullens
- Peep show :: hmmm…
- Crochet :: My mom used to do table cloths and table runners
- Lion :: King DVDs have been watched over and over in this house
- Fetch :: I do this twice a week so my kids can go home earlier than usual
Tags: crochet, Cullens, Dickens, mutterings, Unconscious Mutterings

Who doesn’t like free food? And FREE goody bags?

I’m guessing even if someone is taking appetite suppressants the idea of free food is something that is difficult to pass on. It is not the calories but the idea that this is free that is the bait 
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Tags: corporate-sponsored events, free food