Music is the “universal language of the soul”. So people say.
There’s music in the sighing of a reed;
There’s music in the gushing of a rill;
There’s music in all things, if men had ears:
Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.
~Lord Byron
This household of ours love music. Just recently the husband got a pair of new kickass speakers for the bedroom. Music plays from the speakers day in and day out. The husband who is fond of music from Jim Chappell and David Benoit can now listen to their compositions to his hearts delight. I also listen to my playlist or use the speakers to watch videos playing on my tablet
Here is a Jim Chappell video for “Gone”, one of the husband’s favorite.
Sometimes it feels like we have a live piano player playing from a p 155 guitar center room at home. It’s all good and I can’t complain.
Most schools have their music rooms where a variety of musical instruments are found: piano, drums, guitars, wind instruments, “sound systems” and even Behringer keyboards.
With High School Musical and GLEE, I am sure a lot of students dream of being in their school’s music room and belting out songs or playing musical instruments to accompany the singers.
One thing that is missing here in our country, we don’t have marching bands in schools like some have in other countries. Now that would be a good addition to the extra-curricular activities for the students. being in one also teaches them to have lots of patience, discipline and perseverance
Among those who sing cover songs in YouTube, there is one we specifically love: Maddie Jane.
With today’s technology, it is easy to listen to songs we wouldn’t have access to years ago. In fact, upcoming bands and singers get easily recognized through the various means that people can listen to them. It is also easier to access their musical creations through music cd duplication.
To my aspiring little guitarist, I hope she also gets her break with the fickle-minded audience someday
I did. I cried. I love the movie. I love the music.
August Rush said: “The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen.”
He also said: “But I believe in music… The way that some people believe in fairy tales.”
Wizard said: “You know what music is? God’s little reminder that there’s something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars.”
My husband is a piano player, having had formal lessons when he was younger. I did have formal lessons but the skills weren’t fully developed maybe because we didn’t have a piano where I can practice or maybe because I do not have the necessary talent and skills that go with it. I rest my case
Anyway, our two children are quite good with the scales even if they haven’t had formal training. We do have several piano sheet music for them though they do not use it when they play. The play the piano mostly by ear.
Below is my youngest daughter practicing the scales:
Yes, she can play some tunes but can not read notes yet maybe this year since she will be in first grade already.