Why do I love food? I asked my daughter this question and she answered we love food because food makes us alive. True, we should eat to live and not live to eat.
Not that I am saying that the “live to eat” thought is not good because that philosophy would be good too as long as the food being taken is healthy.
Below is a sandwich that I prepared:

A sandwich with lettuce, tomato slices, scrambled egg and a slice of cheese in between whole wheat bread that I made for lunch and brought to work.
I plan to have more of these in the coming days, plus more (raw) vegetables in my lunch box and on the dining table too. No sweat with fruits since we all love to eat fruits.
This kind of sandwich made from home is definitely less expensive when bought from a restaurant or a coffee shop. Good for the heart, I hope it is 
Belated Happy Hearts day to all!
Tags: cheese, egg, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, lettuce, sandwich, tomato, whole wheat bread

As I looked at the food photos in my files, I decided to choose layered ice cream cake photos from Five Cows Restaurant, venue of the FilipinoMomBlog.com‘s first meet-up/dinner.
I changed my mind though because ice cream cake, though very much appreciated, is not really a Filipino food.
So the quest began until I remembered that I have photos of buko pie from Collette’s which we bought when we went swimming a few weeks ago.
Now I present a slice of buko pie, my entry for Lasang Pinoy Sunday’s Layer Eat Up:

There, layers of crust, custard and young coconut slices.
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Tags: buco pie, buko pie, coconut, Filipino food, food, food photos, Lasang Pinoy Sundays

The theme for this week is STEAMED.
I admit we don’t do a lot of steaming here (expect with sweet corn) and it was just last week that I have started to try doing so.

These were being sold cheap in the supermarket last week so I got me two big heads for only PhP35.00 each. I steamed these and just put a little bit of salt and pepper. Yum!
Tags: cauliflower, food, food photo, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, vegetable
Eye-candy is the theme for Lasang Pinoy Sundays which became Lasang Pinoy Tuesday for me due to phone line problems. Hello PLDT, it has been 5 days already!
Anyway, during the past few weeks of the Christmas season, the influx of eye-candy food is varied and oh-so-tempting that anyone with sweet tooth would not resist getting a bite, or two, or maybe even more than that.

A dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts, colourful, sweet, flavourful and yes, tempting. It may not be a Filipino sweet treat but it captured the Filipino palate
Who would care for a piece of two of that colorful candy sprinkled one or the cookies and cream? What about the snowman over here?
I do!
And now I need to go get some weight loss supplements 
Tags: eye-candy, food, food photos, Krispy Kreme, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, sweet

Tsokolate-e is one of the best beverages to have during the months when the cool Northern winds are working its chill to our bones.
These found its way on our breakfast menu one cool morning after Christmas.

Have you tried this with suman and ripe mangoes?
If you haven’t, well, do try it as soon as possible 
If you have, well, what do you think?
The suman (PhP 12/5 pieces) and mangoes (Php60.00/kilo) were bought from the nearby wet market while the tablea was given by MIL and bought in Bohol. Get this in a resto and you will pay a lot more than the kilo of mango for a few slices of the suman and mango cubes 
Tags: food, food photos, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, ripe mangoes, suman, tablea, tsokolate-e

The theme for this week’s Lasang Pinoy Sundays is left-over. This is very timely because of the so many food prepared during the long Christmas vacation that we had (which I still have since I am on an extended vacation because the children have been sick).
One of the things I love to do with leftover meat would be omelet. Yes, I have had several entries posted but I am too lazy to look for these. Sausage omelet here and Cheese and tuna omelet here.

This a photo of an omelet that has left-over pork barbecue meat cooked with tomatoes, garlic, onions and green and red bell pepper.
Perfect with garlic fried rice and a warm cup of coffee during chilly mornings.
Have this daily and be prepared to look for the best fat burners available in the market 
Tags: food, food photos, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, leftover food