I know this is a Lasang Pinoy Sundays meme and my title is French Toast
The LaPiS theme for this week is MELTed bliss
This is one of the children’s favorite breakfast and snack fare: French Toast

Nothing fancy, I just mixed sweet milk (condensed) with egg, put a dash of cinnamon powder for the dip (is it called dip?)
Then I put sliced cheese on the lower half of a bread from a loaf, folded it and dipped in the egg mixture
I then cooked this with a little melted butter turning over the bread once one side is cooked and the bread is ready to be served
The melted cheese inside is just plain bliss 
The kids have this with cold chocolate milk or just plain milk, yummy!
Tags: bread, breakfast, butter, cheese, cinnamon, egg, french toast, LaPiS, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, milk, snacks

Lasang Pinoy Sundays for this week is about Christmas Goodies.
I would have featured a few of the Christmas donuts that we had for the past two weekends but these were too “westernized” for me.
I have decided then to feature the butterscotch bars that the kids and I baked last week. This was in preparation for my Frugal Christmas theme. Yeah, even if I still have to practice baking which means I will shell out more than I have to, sige na, pangatawanan ko na 

Ok, I cheated.
I used a ready mix butterscotch/brownie mix (whatever) for this. I don’t know, it tasted like how a butterscotch bar should taste like. It was a bit, a teeny wee bit crunchy on top and soft and moist in the inside.
All sliced pieces baked from the 9 x 9 baking pan were gone before 24 hours were up (should I mention that we still had a pack of food for the gods given to us during that time). Maybe these were good to be given as goodies after all 
Tags: baked goodies, Christmas, Frugal Christmas, gifts, LaPiS, my family