Tag Archive 'baking'

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Manual Labor

I was doing a little research on chocolates when I remembered the term Swisher Sweets from a conversation with a friend not so long ago so I immediately Googled what these were. Oh no, they can’t be used for baking! 😀

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to bake goodies with chocolate to give away to hubby’s siblings and their families. I’ve got the basic ingredients for baking and I’ve already practiced doing buttercream frosting the other day.

How was it? I miscalculated the milk so it was a bit flowing, tsk, tsk! I still got a few days before Christmas to practice on that particular skill and if I don’t make it perfectly, I’d probably ditch the frosting altogether for the goodies and make these for my children, instead of for the giveaways.

Why so? There is that thing called “appreciating” what has been given as gifts, especially those that required manual labor that some people don’t seem to understand. Oh well…

Posted by Treasure Jar on Dec 19th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,Kitchen Needs | Comments (0)

Pasta with Almond Crusted Tilapia Fillets

Hearty Meal Recipes from Dona Elena Cuisinera Club presented last January 30, 2010. Click here for more recipes.

Tilapia Fillets

almond crusted tilapia fillet

For Tilapia Fillets:

  • 150 – 200 g tilapia fillets (2 pieces)
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of pepper
  • pinch of paprika
  • 1/4 c almonds, salted, crushed finely

Season tilapia fillet with salt, pepper and paprika. Coat with almonds and bake at 180C for 4 minutes.



For pasta:

  • 10 g butter
  • 15ml Dona Elena Pure Olive Oil
  • 30 g diced white onions
  • 3 g minced garlic
  • 50 g diced tomatoes
  • 50 g (Dona Elena) capers
  • 30 ml (Dona Elena) white wine
  • 250 g spaghetti noodles

In a sauce pan, heat the olive oil and melt the butter. Saute the onions and garlic then add tomatoes and capers. Add the white wine and simmer. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Toss the spaghetti in the sauce.


  • 30 ml garlic sauce, reduced until thick
  • 15 ml balsamic vinegar, reduced to a syrup

pasta with almond crusted tilapia fillet

Serve using medium pan. Place pasta on one side and the fillets on the other side. Drizzle the fillets with garlic sauce and balsamic sauce.


UPDATE: I made this last night (Feb3, 2010) though I still have to write a post.

UPDATE 2: here is the post as promised 🙂

Chunky Chocolate Cookies with Dona Elena Pure Olive Oil

Chunky Chocolate Cookies with Dona Elena Pure Olive Oil?

chunky chocolate cookies

I associate cookies with butter and not with olive oil because that is how I bake our cookies. Why not, this is the tried and tested ingredient for baked goodies. So when I saw cookies being prepared with olive oil, I was surprised.

I didn’t think I would be enjoying cookies with less guilt  😀

Here was how these cookies were prepared:


1/2 cup Dona Elena Pure Olive Oil

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

3 pcs large eggs, beaten

3 tbsp fresh milk

2 tbsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup unsweetened dark cocoa

2 cups flour

2 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp salt

chocolate chunks

preparation of chunky chocolate cookies

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Posted by Treasure Jar on Feb 1st 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,Kitchen Needs,Plateful of Fun,Skin Deep,Through the Lens | Comments (0)

Banana, Oats and Chocolate Chips

Plantain bananas, oats and chocolate chips are what can be found inside this bread that I make at home. Sometimes using the same recipe, I also make these as muffins.

Yes, I know, putting chocolate chips, even if its the semi-sweet kind is not really a good idea for me who  really needs diet pills, wait make that, needs to lose weight but the aroma of chocolate and banana in bread is wonderful for me!

I always make four batches of mini-loaves of this kind and always, always, it is a hit with the hubby and the kids who love to have the bread still warm. If I bake it in the morning before it turns dark, everything is gone.

Served best with coffee or milk 🙂

Posted by Treasure Jar on Mar 9th 2009 | Filed in FYI,Kitchen Needs,Purse Strings,Through the Lens | Comments (9)

Shopping for Baking Gadgets

One of the things I enjoy most when I am in the mall is looking at kitchen gadgets, next to looking at books and discount furniture.

Lately, I have discovered the joys of baking. Not that I bake decadent goodies but rather good enough to be appreciated by my family.

Of course, some of the things on my list that I am looking forward to getting in the near future are gadgets that can help me do better with my baking skills. Even if baking is a bit tiring, at least I know how the food my children are having was prepared

Posted by Treasure Jar on Feb 15th 2009 | Filed in FYI,Kitchen Needs,Purse Strings | Comments (0)

Kraft Jet Puffed Mini Marshmallow

This is one of the absolute favorite snacks my children love, Kraft Jet Puffed Mini Marshmallows.

At times they use these jet puffed mini-marshmallows in their hot chocolate drinks, which are just perfect especially when the mornings are chilly.

More often they just get a few scoops and put these in a small bowl for their snacks.

Now that we are exploring our options and starting to bake our own goodies, I think, these Kraft jet puffed mini-marshmallows are great as toppings to brownies. There are so many possibilities to have these in the baked goodies.

One time we even topped our pancakes with these yummy mini marshmallows.

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Posted by Treasure Jar on Dec 22nd 2008 | Filed in Bonding Time,FYI,Kitchen Needs,Plateful of Fun,Through the Lens | Comments (0)