Addiction is a strong word. If this is going to be used to describe my preference for digital game, then Plants Versus Zombies would be my choice. For now.

We enjoy playing the games here over and over again. We try to develop various plant combination to prevent these zombies from entering our house.
I was a bit tempted to use cheat codes but nah, that would lessen the fun and the challenge. Even without these, we still managed to complete the lineup of plants and zombies after a few days.
I even forgot a friend’s request about helping her find the best fat burners for her beach trip a few weeks from now because I am always busy fighting zombies on my lawn 
Tags: digital game, Plants versus Zombies, Plants versus Zombies almanac
The husband is a bit meticulous when it comes to buying men’s polo shirts.
He has a certain preference for a certain type of cloth. He prefers the hem to be straight especially since he is not fond of tucking in the shirt inside his pants. He even has a parameter for how long the shirt should be. He is not brand-conscious too, unlike other men.
I don’t believe only women have a hard time looking for what they like when shopping for clothes. Men have strong preferences too 
Tags: clothes, shirts, shopping
Who are these unsung heroes of EDSA?

Log on to www.toblerone.ph for more details.
Tags: Toblerone, Unsung Heroes of EDSA

This is Chi-chi, our American Pit Bull Terrier.

Chichi (who I already featured in a PH entry here) is sweet with the kids and is very playful. Yes, she is cuddly but we seldom cuddle her because she is big, heavy, and muscled.
When she steps on your toes with her big paws or stands up and the nails scratched your arm, you will definitely say “Awww!”
Pit Bulls are probably one of the misunderstood breeds among dogs.
Oops, my short post just got long. I am a bit busy these days and had only a little time to write a post.
Now back to looking for pre-employment screening for a friend who is putting up a new biz.
Tags: American Pit Bull Terrier, APBT, dogs, family, home, Philippines, Photo Hunter, Pit Bull
Being on the lookout for natural skin care, one of the best things to use would be virgin coconut oil.
As I have mentioned in this post about the soaps we have used which have virgin coconut oil as a main ingredient, pure coconut oil has so many benefits to the skin and in my opinion, should be included in most beauty products being sold in the market.
Why the country, with so many coconut tree plantations is not cashing on virgin coconut oil in the skin care products being manufactured here is a puzzle to me. Virgin coconut oil, not chemicals, should be patronized and used because of its healthy benefits.
These are just some of the skin conditions that are best dealt with pure coconut oil: dry, wrinkled skin, psoriasis, eczema treatment, dermatitis, among others.
This is just about skin care benefits. There are also healthy benefits for hair care, stress relief, weight loss, digestion, dealing with a variety of infections are just some of the few that benefit from the use of virgin coconut oil.
I really hope this product will be used so consumers will benefit from its good results.
Tags: coconut oil, pure coconut oil, skin care, virgin coconut oil
Spread the sweetness with Toblerone this Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s day is just a few days away and I’m sure, people are thinking of unique ways to send this special day with their loved ones. You can share your original ideas on how to uniquely celebrate Valentine’s Day by logging on to www.toblerone.com.ph
Check out the Toblerone Fan Page where chocolate loving people (like YOU) converge to share their thoughts about Valentine’s Day.
Why don’t you spread the sweetness by giving your Facebook friends virtual sweet treats this Valentine’s Day? Yes, spread the sweetness with Toblerone this Valentine’s Day!
While we are at it, play Toblerone’s Match Maker game and mix and match buddies online and check their compatibility and romantic potential.
Don’t forget to get the limited edition Valentine’s Day Toblerone for your special someone or as a treat for yourself just in case you haven’t got one yet. A treat, I mean 
Single and ready to date?
If you are game enough, go to UNO Pizzeria Restaurant and bar at San Miguel By the Bay on February 11, 2010, 7pm and experience speed dating with Thinkpadd, UNO Pizzeria in partnership with Toblerone.
Log on to www.toblerone.com.ph and discover new ways to spread the sweetness with Toblerone on Valentine’s Day.
Tags: Spread the Sweetness with Toblerone, Toblerone, Toblerone and Valetine's Day, Toblerone Facebook Fanpage