My eldest daughter noticed this unusual spectacle yesterday and took several photos: May 16, 2010 Venus and crescent moon alignment. One of which is this:

Venus and crescent moon aligned in the sky. Photo taken at 6:38pm some minutes before the setting happened, time was according to the news. Daughter said she even saw Venus “disappear” while we were on the road, which was also reported in the news.
I say it beats seeing this in person rather than watching video footage even on HDTV.
This rarely occurs and the next one is said to be slated on August 13, 2012 which is a day after this daughter’s birthday. Not everyone gets to see it too.
My friend iMom took a photo too. Enchie had photos too.
Tags: 2010, family, May 16, Philippines, Photography, sunset, thoughts, Venus and crescent moon, Venus and moon, Venus and moon photo

Right foot of my son who loves to play outdoors, the other half of his pair of often dirty feet. He loves to walk barefoot in the house.

Running after kids is a good way to exercise even without fitness equipment.
With the way children are plopped in front of a computer or game console, they miss out on a lot of things that playing with friends and/or playing outdoors can give them.
Tags: children, family, half, Photo Hunter, Photography, right foot, thoughts
Now that country’s first (semi) automated election has come to pass, I am sure a lot have heaved a sigh of relief while some probably shook their heads in disbelief and started planning on how to amass to get back the money they spent. I know of people who need anti wrinkle cream because of so many problems and challenges they had to face for several months.
I for one am grateful that I do not need to listen to and watch TVC of empty promises and catchy tunes (that got one senator the highest votes among all candidates, merde!).
My choice for president didn’t win but I am glad the one who is leading the count is one I can agree with rather the one tailing behind him. To those who conceded, I salute you!
Tags: 2010 Philippine election, introspection, Philippine politics, Philippines, thoughts

- Hell :: ‘s wrath is not probably great
- Scott :: sounds like a young boy’s name
- Dominion :: World Domination, mwahahaha!

- Stunt :: men do a lot of hard work
- Cougar :: am not
- Columbia :: B.C. or D.C.?
- Gasp :: OMG!
- Cancerous :: cells are not welcome
- Bitty :: itsy bitsy yellow polka dot _____
- Quit :: is something we know best when the timing and circumstances are right
Tags: introspection, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Habit :: routine
- Relaunch :: a lot of companies are doing this to attract more customers
- Mondays :: come too soon
- Bootstrap :: pull!
- Funk : -y music
- Appreciate :: makes one feel great
- Yay! :: Hooray!
- Life :: is a gift
- Sheets :: I have to change these ASAP
- Date night :: haven’t watched yet
Tags: appreciation, life, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play, words
We homeschool the kids but this coming school year, we plan to enroll them in a school. Consensual choice.
So now, a job search begins.
Who would want a middle-aged female and mom like me in the work force? I know I have the credentials, the skills, the (ahem) personality and on top of that I have other skills that I can be proud of.
Still on top of that, if I go the usual channel of job application, I may not be able to land one.
Why not?
I find companies in this country discriminating. There seems to be a NO EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY for those applying for job vacancies.
I’d see job postings: “Graduates of blah-blah-blah courses, preferably from yada-yada-yada universities”
Preschool teacher: Preferably single and not more than 35 years old. (Yeah right how could single moms care for preschool children but then again married teachers will excuse themselves because of child/home-related emergencies)
I don’t know, should the Labor Department look in on this?
Tags: family, introspection, Philippines, thoughts, workplace