For every PhP50 purchase from 7-Eleven,one gets a lotto entry to match and combine to win up to PhP7 million in prizes. These lotto tickets entitles customers freebies and/or discounts as indicated in the printout. Yes, it pays to save your receipts.

For every top prize winner, donation will be made to ABS-CBN Foundation Inc. Winning combination will be announced every Wednesday, to be posted in all 7-Eleven stores. Check their website too.
How to play: match number combination announced online or in the stores. Three out of five numbers nets you PhP5,000. Four out of five will win PhP10,000.
If you get five our of the five combinations you win PhP500,000.
Tags: Christmas, promo
Premium Selection by Red Ribbon launches Chocolate Walnut Fudge with Hershey’s Dark Chocolate for the holiday season of 2009.

The description for this decadent cake: a layer of creamy chocolate mousse on a bed of moist fudgy brownie, loaded with chopped walnuts and finished with dark chocolate ganache, sprinkles and long chocolate curls made with Hershey’s Dark Chocolate.
Presenting a sliced Chocolate Walnut Fudge with Hershey’s Dark Chocolate:

What are you waiting for? Go to the Red Ribbon branch near you and get a cake for PhP680.00. Cake will be offered till January 09, 2010 only.
Tags: cake, Christmas, dining, food, food photos, Hershey's Dark Chocolate, Photography, Red Ribbon
What are your plans for Christmas vacation? To a mountain resort? To the beach? orlando vacations? HK Disneyland?
We don’t have plans, that is a no-brainer. I guess we will just stay and bum around in the house. Bummer.
We haven’t had a vacation as a family for the longest time.The kids go on vacation but hubby and I stay behind for work and to mind the house.
Me? I need a break.
Tags: Christmas, summer
Or should those Christmas cards been mailed a few weeks ago?
I think the art of sending handwritten Christmas cards and letters is now lost because of the new technology that keeps people connected in more ways than one.
I love receiving Christmas photo cards. I told myself that the kids will do these handwritten cards but the truth is, we haven’t started yet.
Last year’s Christmas craft projects like photo ornaments and gift cards went underway early. I know I am to blame because I have been too busy with not so important things and have neglected this aspect of our routine.
I hope it is not too late to start these projects.
Tags: Christmas, family, Frugal Christmas, Purse Strings, technology

Last year’s tree was adorned with handmade decorations like little paper trees, photos and yes, paper stockings. Below is one of the many photos we have put up the tree:

These handmade decorations were tied with a silver cord.
Have a great weekend and I hope we don’t get tied down with a lot of stress and negative things 
Tags: Christmas, Crafts, family, handmade, handmade crafts, Philippines, Photo Hunter

- Werewolf :: Jacob Black, woohoo!
- Jim :: my cousin
- 2×4 :: a 4 x 4 would be better
- Unruly :: and boisterous bunch, kids in the neighborhood
- Component :: this was what we use to call an audio equipment
- Prolific :: I aim to be a blogger with this word (dream on)
- Wrestler :: Hulk Hogan (my age shows, lol)
- Huh? :: Huh?
- Dolls :: my youngest daughter prefers toy for boys like cars, police officer gadgets and swords
- Super! :: Yey!
As I was looking for colon cleanse reviews, clicking on links brought me to an article that has listed several ways to spend Christmas with a lot of savings.
And to that I say “Yey! Super!”
Tags: books, Christmas, Jacob Black, Purse Strings, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play