We homeschool the kids but this coming school year, we plan to enroll them in a school. Consensual choice.
So now, a job search begins.
Who would want a middle-aged female and mom like me in the work force? I know I have the credentials, the skills, the (ahem) personality and on top of that I have other skills that I can be proud of.
Still on top of that, if I go the usual channel of job application, I may not be able to land one.
Why not?
I find companies in this country discriminating. There seems to be a NO EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY for those applying for job vacancies.
I’d see job postings: “Graduates of blah-blah-blah courses, preferably from yada-yada-yada universities”
Preschool teacher: Preferably single and not more than 35 years old. (Yeah right how could single moms care for preschool children but then again married teachers will excuse themselves because of child/home-related emergencies)
I don’t know, should the Labor Department look in on this?
Tags: family, introspection, Philippines, thoughts, workplace
Have you ever replied to a blog post written or maybe a tweet, and yes, a Facebook status that is totally out of context? By that I mean giving advice or maybe butting in when you don’t exactly know what the topic is really all about.
If you already did, then you probably felt like you wanted the earth to open up and swallow you whole 
Imagine butting in “Peggy needs to read fat burner reviews” when a friend’s status was about Peggy having a hard time walking because of her weight problems only to find out that Peggy is in fact, the friend’s pet hog. Ugh! Totally embarrassing.
Has this happened to you? Did you apologize or just tried to forget about it?
Tags: facebook, friendship
- Children :: I love my children

- Saddlebags :: Harley cruisers
- Restraint :: when angry, I try to practice this
- Awake :: around 5am to prepare for daughter’s food
- Blood :: makes our hearts throb and keep us alive
- Shutter :: a part of the camera
- Posted :: ads, for sale items, job listings, discount auto insurance among other things
- Corn cob :: with butter and a little salt, yummy!
- Flagrant :: some people are, with their name dropping of brand names. social climbers, IMHO.
- Fart :: ugh! but we need to do this, right?

Tags: brand name droppers, saddlebags, social climbers
The circus campaign period has started.
The economy is alive and well with a lot of big money circulating from the proceeds of printed materials like posters and promotional calenders, tarpaulin ads, notebooks with candidate on the cover, fans to ward off the summer heat and a host of other ways and means to promote one’s self get and get elected.
Who would I vote for? I do not know yet since I am weighing the priorities of the candidates. One thing is for sure, I would vote for the one who recognizes the problem about population control.
Who would you vote for?
Tags: 2010 Philippine elections

Stacking cups, only these are not stacked on top of one another, my entry for Photo Hunt spiral.

I was cleaning the closets and preparing the baby toys my children played with when they were younger when I decided to take photos of the toys, including this set of stacking cups.
These were given to my brother’s young daughter.
Sigh, they don’t need these toys anymore, how time flies.
Tags: baby toys, children, colors, family, Photo Hunter, Photography, Purse Strings, stacking cups, thoughts, toys