I’m guessing even if someone is taking appetite suppressants the idea of free food is something that is difficult to pass on. It is not the calories but the idea that this is free that is the bait 😀
Fat Chubby children are perceived as healthy in this country. When adults see these overweight children, they say, “Ang lusog-lusog naman” meaning this child is so healthy.
Nowadays however, pediatricians, nutritionists and some parents are on a war path to curb overweight problems of children. Because these children can not take even those that are considered as safe diet pills that work, they need to be guided with the right way to enusre they develop healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.
What are some of the problem that go with being overweight? Children are emotionally and psychologically affected. They are susceptible to different kinds of illnesses like diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver, sleep disorders and heart-related problems.
If you love your children, start on a healthy lifestyle as a family and encourage them to do so too.
We are beach-bound in two weeks’ time, a post-summer short vacation, never mind if we are having the rainy season these days. Still I would say: “Woot!!!”
I know, maybe even if I run around the neighborhood (horrors!) several times everyday plus the lot of the best weight loss pills can’t take off the pounds that fast. Yep, I’ve gotten that big already.
So now, I will wait for an email that will tell me what to do even if the clock goes tick-tocking and nears the time I head to the beach.
Am on the lookout for new TV series and I got interested in NBC’s The Event.
Even if I know not being able to watch a show or two in series like this especially when the clip won’t play because I am not in any US territory, will make me feel wanting for more, still a good storyline will not prevent me from watching. I hope I won’t forget the day and the time though since I am 12 hours earlier 😀
So many drinks to choose from! What do you think you will buy to open and quench your thirst?
I’d get an ice-cold can of soda anytime but I am trying very hard to stop drinking these to avoid more weight gain. I am usually out when I see these things and with the scorching weather, I’d want to have headache relief from the heat, I’d probably settle for a bottle of water or Gatorade.
I sure hope these two are the most logical choices.