Archive for May, 2010

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Fresh Air

  1. Fresh air :: is the best
  2. Bodyguard :: lots of politicians have one or two or more
  3. Wedding :: is a solemn celebration
  4. Remind :: me to do the house chores 😀
  5. Wicked :: chocolates!
  6. Crawling :: traffic during rush hour
  7. Gasoline ::  is expensive
  8. Anyone ::  can do what he/she wants if there is determination
  9. Dancing :: is fun!
  10. Wall :: climbing

Posted by Treasure Jar on May 30th 2010 | Filed in introspection,Word Play | Comments (0)

Back From a Dinner Invite

We just got back from that dinner invite by hubby’s aunt and boy! It was a fun, fun dinner in terms of the food and lively company. And yes, we will definitely be back a few days from now because they will be celebrating their Patron Saint’s Feast day and I am sure, the fiesta food would be oh so yummy!

Hello, apidexin? Hrhrhr…

I may have to walk off these food that I indulged in, crunchy deep-fried wrapped shrimps, grilled tuna (guilt-free food!) salad and glasses of my favorite ice-cold cola.

I am just letting the food settle down and while I am at it, hubby is calling me to share a Loumar’s Buko Pie Crumble or Buko Tart. That would be in my next post and I hope there will still be left for photo opp. 😀

Posted by Treasure Jar on May 30th 2010 | Filed in Bonding Time,From the Admin's Desk,Plateful of Fun,Socials | Comments (0)

Rain in the Summer Time

friday rain

We have been blessed with a little rain two days ago. The roads though dried up so fast that people wouldn’t know it rained had they been inside a building where they can’t see that it did. I know months ago we have been praying for the rains to stop because it has caused so much damage. But this summer has been one of the hottest we have experienced so far that it seems like the news has reported “Today is the hottest day of the year” several times already.

The crops have died and the rivers dried. So much damage that the drought is as catastrophic as last year’s flood damages were.

Yup, I’ve stopped counting at 38 degrees C. The weather bureau reported that the rainy season will be starting soon seems far off since we are still experiencing unbearable heat even if the Southern part of the country has flooding.

I’m sure resort owners are not ready to bring out the hot tub covers yet since this means the peak summer season has ended.

As for me, I’ve missed out on a lot of outdoor activities of fun, sun and sand this year. Booo…

Posted by Treasure Jar on May 30th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,introspection,Through the Lens | Comments (1)

Stop Motion Videos

I love stop motion videos. Two of my favorites are the Human Tetris and ESCP Europe Human Experience. Watch it and you will know what I mean.

Mashable however posted a list of Top Ten Stop Motion Videos on YouTube. My two favorites didn’t make the cut however but I will be viewing these ten videos in a while.


Posted by Treasure Jar on May 30th 2010 | Filed in Going Digital,Tech Blabber | Comments (0)

Been So Tired Lately

I have been very slack lately, sleeping late to catch a television show because I have to write about it. This also means waking up late and missing breakfast altogether. Waking up late means I have to rush, rush, and rush more and I feel stressed. The heat is also a contributing factor to this slacking.

I have not run for a long time. I had lots of carbonated and sugared drinks during the day. I think the only healthy intake I have these days are the kefir in my fruits, brown rice and less fat meat. I miss having vegetables.

Do I need to read lipofuze reviews right now?

I think what I need is to better manage my time. Make a schedule of the priorities I need to do like house chores and avoid activities, mostly online, that make me lose track of time.

School year is starting in a few days time and I really hope to get back in the groove otherwise, I would not be able to wake up as early as 5am to cook lunch food for the children.

I got tired composing this so I think I need to tend to the family’s needs now.

Posted by Treasure Jar on May 30th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,introspection | Comments (0)

Sunset for Grandpa

The end of last year signaled grief to my father’s side of the family when a grand uncle passed away. We were able to visit him a few days before he breathed his last and it was a bittersweet memory that he still recognized me, disoriented though he was.

This sunset photo (I made it grainy in texture) was taken when we were on our way home from that visit:

last sunset for GrandUncle

Here is the photo without the grainy texture.

We went back a few days after for his wake but we just stayed for some time since we had to travel back home. It was good to see relatives even if the circumstances were sad. Spending some time with them, albeit it was a very short time made me realize how much I have been amiss on what is happening with them. Continue Reading »

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