The kids love to watch DVD movies. Hubby and I are on the lookout for a new unit since ours seem to be on the brink of extinction due to abuse, misuse and old age.
Oh, did I mention that the remote control’s buttons do not correspond to the function it is supposed to do?
Bluray dvd players would be a good thing to get to replace said unit. Hubby wants a player with a DIV-X format for the encoded AVI files of movies and TV series.
I am sure our Kuya will be the happiest for there would be no need to call him when we need to pause the player or choose a chapter 
Tags: children, home, movies, technology, toys
I got an email from a friend regarding free online auctions going-ons with a website where we both contribute articles for.
I know it is a not a really good idea to take a peek but if I do, I might like it and spend a lot there. A lot more than I can actually afford on a lot of things that I don’t actually need at the moment.
Yes, we know how it is with discounted items, we might need this thing or that one of these days 
Tags: technology, web

- Guest :: bring out the best plates and bedding!
- Impact :: visual
- Unplanned :: surprise
- Tactic :: plans
- Delayed :: waiting…
- Bombastic :: wow!
- Comfort :: hugs
- Trumpet ::blow it
- Joe :: G.I.
- Budget :: what?!
Continue Reading »
Tags: flash drive, technology, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play, words
Yeah, I need to upgrade the laptop memory soon. Or I need a new laptop.
There are several applications we want to install in my laptop and the memory is not up to it. Particularly video and audio editing programs as well as CADD programs.
The children also want to play more games other than their current favorite so hubby was even considering getting a new pc for their use. But then again, when we are out of the house, they take over our laptops like aliens taking over the world 
Tags: laptop, technology
I am currently using the “Press This” button that I clicked in the shortcuts located on the right bottom part of the WP dashboard. I must say I am having fun.
What is your WP version? I am thinking about writing a post for the upcoming WP 2.7 of which I have photos of the dashboard. Yeah, I do have some photos that I took when Matt came over for the WordCamp Philippines that my hubby and I attended.
Tags: blogging, Tech Blabber, technology