Unplanned Budget

  1. Guest :: bring out the best plates and bedding!
  2. Impact :: visual
  3. Unplanned :: surprise
  4. Tactic :: plans
  5. Delayed :: waiting…
  6. Bombastic :: wow!
  7. Comfort :: hugs
  8. Trumpet ::blow it
  9. Joe :: G.I.
  10. Budget :: what?!

Unplanned budget would be expenses that are unexpected, like my favorite but now lost portable flash drive. Hubby said he gave it back to me when he used it temporarily when his went pfffft!

I can’t find mine now. What I am worried about are the reports I have there. I hope I can find it soon even if I have looked in every possible place I could have (mis)placed it but it is nowhere to be found. I guess I need to get a new one soon. Unplanned budget indeed.

One Response to “Unplanned Budget”

  1. Anthony North on 29 Jun 2009 at 4:12 pm link comment

    Good answers. I think any budget should always allow a little extra for the unplanned.

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