For a main dish (we had this for dinner just last night) My Great Food 15 Second Cooking Challenge is Slow Cooked Monterey Country Style Pork (or Liempo) and Purefoods Classic Honeycured Bacon with mango salsa. Mangoes are best when eaten during summer 
Mangoes are a sign that summer is definitely here and our family just love these fruits especially if coming from our home province, Zambales.
Here is the detailed recipe of my Slow Cooked Monterey Country Style Pork with Mango and Bacon Salsa.
1. 1 kilo of Monterey Country Style Pork or liempo. For every strip, cut in 3 or four pieces.
2. Dry Rub: 2T salt and pepper, 2Tpaprika and 1/4 cup muscovado sugar. For the sauce: 1 cup Oyster Sauce and 1/2 cup Hickory Sauce.
3. Purefoods Honeycured Bacon. You can use as many bacon strips as you like.
4. 2 pieces ripe but still firm mangoes, cubed in small pieces. Ours came from Zambales.
5. 2 pieces tomatoes, cubed in small pieces. Ours are homegrown.
6. 1 piece cucumber, cubed in small pieces
7. 1 or 2 pieces of calamansi (which I got from our tree)
8. Balsamic Vinegar for drizzling on the salsa
Here is the YouTube Video
And here is the Instagram video link.
Cooking Procedure in details:
1. Wash and cut the Monterey Country Style Pork. Pat dry.
2. Put together the dry rub for the meat.
3. Massage the meat with the dry rub. Refrigerate, covered, for an hour or two.
4. Mix the sauces for the Monterey Country Style Pork for the slow cooking step. See NOTES below for some cooking style tips.
5. Arrange the Monterey Country Style Pork with dry rub and half of the sauce in the crock pot.
6. Cook for two hours high and two hours low. OR cook for six hours on low.
7. Prepare the mango salsa by cutting the mangoes, tomatoes and cucumbers in small cubes. Put the juice of one or two calamansi on it.
8. Refrigerate the salsa until you need it. You can also add onions and cilantro before serving. Fry or bake the Purefoods Honeycured Bacon before serving the Slow Cooked Monterey Country Style Pork.
9. Serve the Slow Cooked Monterey Country Style Pork with the Mango and Bacon Salsa drizzled with balsamic Vinegar.
1. If you don’t have a slow cooker, I suggest you get one, haha. Kidding aside, you can grill the Monterey Country Style Pork or bake in the oven. Use the remaining sauce to baste the grilled or baked pork. If you are going to grill, better not cut the pork in three or four pieces.
2. You can opt to not add calamansi in the salsa but the balsamic vinegar should be included because it adds a different twist to the ripe mangoes. It may just be me but no harm in trying, right?
3. For the salsa, you can also add onions,cilantro,and avocado before serving.
4. You can cut the crispy Purefoods Honeycured Bacon in bits and add in the salsa. My kids said they preferred it whole so I didn’t do the bacon bits.
I hope you enjoy doing this recipe as much as I did.
By the way, if you do not have time to go out and buy meats, Monterey will deliver to your home. My go-to Monterey branch is the one along Mindanao Avenue.
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Tags: Monterey Country Style Pork (or Liempo), My Great Food 15 Second Cooking Challenge, Purefoods Classic Honeycured Bacon, Slow Cooked Monterey Country Style Pork with Mango and Bacon Salsa, Slow Cooked Monterey Country Style Pork with the Mango and Bacon Salsa, slow cooked recipe, slow cooker recipe