They are one: tokwa’t baboy. One perfect combination especially served with spicy soy sauce. Nomnomnom!
But wait…where is the baboy?

Where is the baboy then? It is under the pile of tokwa, hidden.
Why? Because the pork strips were hideous, all fat. Ugh. I don’t know if it is because i haven’t eaten nor ordered this for a loooong time but then hubby said to never order this again. Ok.
This should have been an entry for my resto-rant LaPiS entry which incidentally happened two weeks ago so this can’t possibly qualify.
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Tags: food, food photos, tokwa't baboy
Monday is not a day that I really look forward to, especially when I feel I still have to rest more.
Monday means work, homeschooling and yes, more work.
On the other hand, Monday means weekend is something to look forward to and this weekend, I intend to have more fun with the family 

So in order to make my day (and perhaps your day too) brighter, I decided to post this beautiful flower photo.
The flower made me smile and felt better 
Tags: Monday blah, Monday morning, yellow flower
Children love to play electronic games. Gone are days when they enjoy playing outdoor games outside their homes, interacting with other children with a few petty fights in between. I guess this is one of the reasons why a group is advocating bringing back the backyard games that children used to enjoy. I must say that i was once one of those who enjoyed playing backyard games.
Now, they just play tennis, golf and “war games” within the comforts of their own home. How? Through PS3 players, hand held electronic game gadgets and even mobile phones.
Personally, I do not approve of always playing these games because I wish for children to be able to experience real interaction. Be able to experience how to run faster than their playmates, how to outsmart others in a physical, rather than an electronic game, be creative in improvising games and learn different values through these games.

- Guest :: bring out the best plates and bedding!
- Impact :: visual
- Unplanned :: surprise
- Tactic :: plans
- Delayed :: waiting…
- Bombastic :: wow!
- Comfort :: hugs
- Trumpet ::blow it
- Joe :: G.I.
- Budget :: what?!
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Tags: flash drive, technology, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play, words
Last night’s dinner with mommy blogger friends had neighbors and neighborhood as one of the many topics being discussed. I of course, shared the horror show called “our neighbors” that we always experience.
One time, one of the kids said maybe we need to move if these things make us upset. If only it is as easy as it sounds, be it that there are lots of real estate people willing to pitch a sale, we would have moved already, even if it means going as far as talking to a Wilmington NC real estate office.
Hmmm, why not? This would definitely be a welcome move, to say the least. Maybe, I need to do this before we can afford that move, LOL!
Tags: neighborhood, neighbors

STRIPS for June 28 Lasang Pinoy Sundays.
A dressed-up Jollibee yumburger: two patties, some greens, a slice of pineapple, a piece of square cheese and strip(s) of bacon.
Hmmm…langhap sarap! People would generally say.

No thanks, though. Burgers and the like + me don’t agree well.
Happy Sunday! 
Tags: aloha burger, bacon, Jollibee, pineapple