What’s in your LunchBox?

The FilipinoMomBlog.com officialy launched the “What’s in Your Lunchbox?” Meme today, November 11,2008.

This lunchbox photomeme will be posted all Tuesdays for the month of November and is open to everyone who prepares lunchboxes for their children and/or husbands and/or themselves.

I have posted my children’s lunchbox menu yesterday here.

Then I remembered that I have taken a photo of what we brought for snacks for Wednesday last week and here they are, grapes, apple slices and sandwiches in the brown paper bag:

Now why the fuss about what is in a lunchbox?

People now are more conscious about what they eat. Healthy options are not readily available in office canteens or food stalls where food can be bought. Usually food choices there are oily, greasy, deep-fried and bereft of nutrients, Well, the oily, greasy and deep-fried are all synonymous.

Plus, with prices of commodities going north, bringing home-cooked meals is one of the best ways to not just save money spent on food but the best way to nourish the body.

The safest and surest way to ensure one has the proper food is by preparing food to be brought from home. First thing to be prepared should be water. At least, we know where the water came from when we brought it ourselves from our own containers at home.

Next would be meals. There are many choices for healthy eating and there is just no way canned goods should find its way to our lunchboxes. Besides being too salty and laden with preservatives, we should ask ourselves why we even bother to eat these, because we don’t really get much nutrients from these.

Care to join our Lunchbox Meme for all the Tuesdays of November?

Treasure Jar Nov 11th 2008 09:55 pm Plateful of Fun,Tagged, You're It!,Through the Lens No Comments yet Trackback URI Comments RSS

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