We felt happy and cooler yesterday because we had a First of May rain. The rains lasted for more than two hours, from 3pm till around 6pm. It was sufficient enough to cool the air and remove the humidity.

We have been complaining about the heat for several weeks now. Predictions range from 33 – 36 degrees but real feel is 40-42. Argh indeed, and it’s not surprising that misting fans, aircons, electric fans are turned on at an almost 24/7 basis. I don’t know how much some people pay for their electric bill, maybe enough for one of my kids’ tuition fee I guess.
As much as I want to complain about the heat, I think of all those people who are out there on the streets, in their work sites, exposed to the heat and the elements, working for their living. Here I am at home, pounding on the keyboards, working too. Do I have the right to complain that it’s hot out there?
Thank God for the brief relief from the heat yesterday. I hope the coming rainy season won’t be too intense like the summer heat.
Tags: heat, hot weather, summer temperature

So many drinks to choose from! What do you think you will buy to open and quench your thirst?

I’d get an ice-cold can of soda anytime but I am trying very hard to stop drinking these to avoid more weight gain. I am usually out when I see these things and with the scorching weather, I’d want to have headache relief from the heat, I’d probably settle for a bottle of water or Gatorade.
I sure hope these two are the most logical choices.
Tags: drinks, heat, Photo Hunter, summer, summer heat, supermarket
We have been experiencing extreme hot weather condition on a daily basis. Yes, there is no stopping summer. Just the other day, we experienced 34.5 degrees Celsius.
I am sure that even if there are people who are gearing for rv repairs for their road trips, more are worried about their crops or lack of it due to El Nino phenomenon.
I have read somewhere that the weather will reach up to 40 degrees. Ugh!
It is important then to know how to protect yourself from heat:
- Drink plenty of fluids, if possible more than 8 glasses per day.
- Replace lost salt by drinking sports drinks. Salts and minerals are lost because of sweating.
- Use sunscreen whenever you will be under the heat of the sun.
- Avoid being directly under the sun from 10am till 2pm.
- Wear clothes made of light materials.
- Monitor those who are at risk like babies and elderly.
- Try to lighten up your physical activities to avoid exhaustion.
It is important to try to slow down especially when one feels exhausted.
There, I hope I was able to enumerate a few helpful tips on how to protect one’s self from heat this summer.
Tags: El Nino, heat, summer, summer heat