I have been very slack lately, sleeping late to catch a television show because I have to write about it. This also means waking up late and missing breakfast altogether. Waking up late means I have to rush, rush, and rush more and I feel stressed. The heat is also a contributing factor to this slacking.
I have not run for a long time. I had lots of carbonated and sugared drinks during the day. I think the only healthy intake I have these days are the kefir in my fruits, brown rice and less fat meat. I miss having vegetables.
Do I need to read lipofuze reviews right now?
I think what I need is to better manage my time. Make a schedule of the priorities I need to do like house chores and avoid activities, mostly online, that make me lose track of time.
School year is starting in a few days time and I really hope to get back in the groove otherwise, I would not be able to wake up as early as 5am to cook lunch food for the children.
I got tired composing this so I think I need to tend to the family’s needs now.
Tags: family, work
I know this is a super-duper late post (rolls eyes) to be thinking about mother’s day gift ideas this year since Mother’s Day has come and gone in this part of the world. On the other hand, I just concluded a post-Mother’s Day contest so I see nothing wrong 
In Sweden, they will be celebrating Mother’s Day on May 30. Spain celebrated this special day last March.
Anyway, for me, as a daughter and a mom, cliche though it seems, Mother’s day should be celebrated everyday. Mother’s Day does not mean grand dinner, expensive gifts and ceremonial toasts. Simple gestures like a hug, a sent message, doing something special for each other and saying how much you love and value your children and or you mom are all big things done in small ways.
Tags: family, Mother's Day
I have been getting eye tics lately. I don’t know if it’s because I have been overworking with the writing tasks I need to finish. These tasks do not just require writing because I need to watch something too for the topics I write about.
I used to think about getting under eye cream for dark circles but that seemed trivial compared to the eye tics I have been experiencing.
I think I need to boost the immune system more by taking in vitamin B complex. I also need to organize my time better so that I give ample time to what I need to accomplish and still have time to rest.
Tags: eye tics, health, work
In the uncertain times leading to the economic difficulties of a lot of the so-called first world countries, people have become more creative in being able to find jobs.
Some would even go through great lengths to move to the city of Philadelphia jobs offers. Yes, there are those who are willing to pack up and try their “luck” in other places as far as China.
Some put up their resumes online and hope for head hunters to find them.
Some people re-invent themselves and start all over again, doing an entirely different thing.
If this thing happens to you, how ready are you to face the challenges?
Tags: employment, head hunters, introspection, job vacancy, work

- Bow out :: one should never give up whatever “fight” or situation he/she is in IF everything is worth it in the end
- Relationships :: are like two-way streets, there should be give and take
- Facebook :: is a place where (almost) long-forgotten and treasured ties are reconnected
- Items :: on sale like roller shades and container boxes are on my list
- Ours :: is not a good neighborhood
- Sting :: is one of my favorite singers
- Hangover :: rarely do I have this because I don’t drink
- Contacts :: important to have their numbers handy
- Lonely :: is a word I heard for people craving attention and spending endless hours in facebook
- Seven days :: we have for a week but it seems we need more especially when busy