Honey bees are lazy. NOT. Click here for more information.

This photo was taken from a honey bee farm that we visited last month. We bought virgin honey, honey propolis and bee pollen for our consumption. We also got Citronella Sting-less Insect Repellent.
Here is my other entry.
Tags: nature photos, Tagaytay
Ilocanos call these “ar-arusip” while the Visayans call these “lato”
What exactly is this all about? The green seaweed or Caulerpa lentillifera.
I grew up in a coastal province eating this together with fried or grilled fish.The ar-arusip I knew always come in a bowl with fresh tomatoes and onions. So this is what I serve whenever I have the chance to buy it in a wet market.

The lowly ar-arusip or lato is a good source of iron, iodine, calcium and vitamins A and C. Click here to read.
Tags: ar-arusip, dining, Filipino food, food, lato, sea grapes
Disclaimer: I am not saying that the fresh lemon grass tea that my son had for several days was the answer in him not having any wheezes due to asthma. It could be coincidental or it could have been really effective with him.
I have written in one of my blogs about my son drinking warm lemon grass tea for several days now and that the asthma symptoms hasn’t been felt ever since he started drinking.
My youngest daughter had a slight fever yesterday and I asked her to drink the same tea preparation. After some time, her temperature had gone down.
Now I am sharing how this fresh lemon grass tea was prepared.
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Tags: fresh and natural, Fresh Produce, health, lemon grass tea, tea

Fresh Noodles
Chicken breast fillet, cut into strips
Carrots, cut into strips
Several bundles of Chinese cabbage
Onions and garlic, cut spring onions
Salt and Pepper to taste OR fish sauce depending upon the health requirement of those who will eat the dish.
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Tags: chicken noodles, cooking, food, fresh noodles, noodles