Succulent lechon ribs can be had over here at the home of Lasang Pinoy Sundays 
For the juicy = succulent combination, here is fresh pineapple for a lot of nutritional love:

Why settle for something that came from a can loaded wth sugars when you can have it natural and fresh?
Tags: food photo, fresh pineapple, juicy, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, pineapple juice, succulent

Summer to me means fruits in season are a-plenty.
Summer means mangoes, ripe or green, watermelons, melons, pineapples and strawberries are in season too.

Take your pick and have a refreshing and healthy snack 
Tags: cherry, fruits, mango, melon, oranges, pineapple, watermelon
Summer is supposed to be the time when one should look good enough to fit into a swimsuit 
But with ice cream temptations and other cold, yummy and sweet concoctions, one would surely need the best appetite suppressants to be able to resist the urge to grab one of these or maybe two 
So, how do you stay clear of these sugar-laden sweet and cold treats?
- Drinks lots of water
- Have fresh fruits instead
- Have drinks as natural as can be like smoothies but be sure to cut down on the sugar since the fruits are naturally sweet already
- Don’t go to the malls where you are most like tempted to buy yourself a cone or a special
Tags: summer, sweet

We always have fresh tomatoes at home. Tomatoes are wonderful fruits and there are many ways to use these for the different food that we like to have.
These may be omelet, pasta, ginisang ulam, eaten as side dish or as sandwich filling.

So why did I put these tomatoes instead of a photo of our (a bit cramped) kitchen? Because these are always on the kitchen counter several times a week for our food preparation 
In fact we just had an omelet a while ago for breakfast and you can probably guess what is in it 
Tags: food, food photo, kitchen, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, tomatoes

Why do I love food? I asked my daughter this question and she answered we love food because food makes us alive. True, we should eat to live and not live to eat.
Not that I am saying that the “live to eat” thought is not good because that philosophy would be good too as long as the food being taken is healthy.
Below is a sandwich that I prepared:

A sandwich with lettuce, tomato slices, scrambled egg and a slice of cheese in between whole wheat bread that I made for lunch and brought to work.
I plan to have more of these in the coming days, plus more (raw) vegetables in my lunch box and on the dining table too. No sweat with fruits since we all love to eat fruits.
This kind of sandwich made from home is definitely less expensive when bought from a restaurant or a coffee shop. Good for the heart, I hope it is 
Belated Happy Hearts day to all!
Tags: cheese, egg, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, lettuce, sandwich, tomato, whole wheat bread

The theme for this week is STEAMED.
I admit we don’t do a lot of steaming here (expect with sweet corn) and it was just last week that I have started to try doing so.

These were being sold cheap in the supermarket last week so I got me two big heads for only PhP35.00 each. I steamed these and just put a little bit of salt and pepper. Yum!
Tags: cauliflower, food, food photo, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, vegetable