- Mustache :: not a fan of bemoustached men
- Person :: to person communication is taking a backseat because of technological advances
- Restore :: system restore
- Discretion :: in managing your privacy in social networking sites
- Lamp :: dim light
- Pillow cover :: change every now and then
- Arousal :: it depends
- Seattle :: city where a friend who got an accredited online degree lives
- ATM :: sometimes my saving grace when I ran out of cash
- Custard :: yummeh!
Tags: mutterings, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Authorized :: Persons Only
- Flirting :: is not always a fun thing to try, it could be risky.
- Bad :: choices are results of bad judgment
- Digit :: concept for place value of numerals is a Math lesson
- Sexy :: Mind has positive thinking, good vibes and full of creativity.
- Combinations :: for safety drawers like mmf drawer should not be forgotten
- Guard :: your belongings from sticky hands
- Retina :: eye care should be given importance
- Motion :: is the change of location or position of an object
- Concert :: events are fun things to go to
Tags: mutterings, Word Play

- Collectors :: items are expensive
- Passion :: fruit
- Winner :: brings home the trophy
- Uninhibited :: is best used for babies’ movements
- Challenge :: me to be more organized
- Self :: love is important
- Your :: name is?
- Viewer :: discretion is advised

- Random :: adventures are fun
- Vice :: president, he was nominated for but he lost. My son, I mean, for the class officers.
Tags: Me, mutterings, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Fresh air :: is the best
- Bodyguard :: lots of politicians have one or two or more
- Wedding :: is a solemn celebration
- Remind :: me to do the house chores

- Wicked :: chocolates!
- Crawling :: traffic during rush hour
- Gasoline :: is expensive
- Anyone :: can do what he/she wants if there is determination
- Dancing :: is fun!
- Wall :: climbing
Tags: fresh air, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Hell :: ‘s wrath is not probably great
- Scott :: sounds like a young boy’s name
- Dominion :: World Domination, mwahahaha!

- Stunt :: men do a lot of hard work
- Cougar :: am not
- Columbia :: B.C. or D.C.?
- Gasp :: OMG!
- Cancerous :: cells are not welcome
- Bitty :: itsy bitsy yellow polka dot _____
- Quit :: is something we know best when the timing and circumstances are right
Tags: introspection, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Habit :: routine
- Relaunch :: a lot of companies are doing this to attract more customers
- Mondays :: come too soon
- Bootstrap :: pull!
- Funk : -y music
- Appreciate :: makes one feel great
- Yay! :: Hooray!
- Life :: is a gift
- Sheets :: I have to change these ASAP
- Date night :: haven’t watched yet
Tags: appreciation, life, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play, words