We celebrate Mother’s day every second Sunday of May. One way to say “thank you” to our dearest moms. Those special people who we look up to as second moms, they may be our tita, grandma, mentor, teacher, or even our yaya deserve to know how much we appreciate and love them.

Though overlooked with their efforts mostly going unnoticed, anyone you’ve come to consider as a second mother has undoubtedly made an impact. Extend your sweetest thank-you’s to them – the same way that Toblerone will be honouring the unsung heroes of our everyday lives in a big celebration on October 20. And yes, your yaya, teacher and lola and all the other women whom you’ve regarded as your second moms—are invited to this event. In the meantime, make Mothers’ Day extra special for them by thanking them with Triangles. Thank them with Toblerone.
Be sure to log on to www.toblerone.com.ph and discover new ways to thank those 2nd moms on Mothers’ Day.
Tags: Mother's Day, Toblerone
Who are these unsung heroes of EDSA?

Log on to www.toblerone.ph for more details.
Tags: Toblerone, Unsung Heroes of EDSA
Spread the sweetness with Toblerone this Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s day is just a few days away and I’m sure, people are thinking of unique ways to send this special day with their loved ones. You can share your original ideas on how to uniquely celebrate Valentine’s Day by logging on to www.toblerone.com.ph
Check out the Toblerone Fan Page where chocolate loving people (like YOU) converge to share their thoughts about Valentine’s Day.
Why don’t you spread the sweetness by giving your Facebook friends virtual sweet treats this Valentine’s Day? Yes, spread the sweetness with Toblerone this Valentine’s Day!
While we are at it, play Toblerone’s Match Maker game and mix and match buddies online and check their compatibility and romantic potential.
Don’t forget to get the limited edition Valentine’s Day Toblerone for your special someone or as a treat for yourself just in case you haven’t got one yet. A treat, I mean 
Single and ready to date?
If you are game enough, go to UNO Pizzeria Restaurant and bar at San Miguel By the Bay on February 11, 2010, 7pm and experience speed dating with Thinkpadd, UNO Pizzeria in partnership with Toblerone.
Log on to www.toblerone.com.ph and discover new ways to spread the sweetness with Toblerone on Valentine’s Day.
Tags: Spread the Sweetness with Toblerone, Toblerone, Toblerone and Valetine's Day, Toblerone Facebook Fanpage