Theme: Green
I love greens, from the raw vegetable salad to the greens like camote tops, malunggay leaves, pechay and others that go with other food cooked as viand. As a healthy alternative, I personally prepare my own vegetable salad for my consumption. This is way less expensive than if I have to buy those that are ready-made.
One of my favorite salads is made up of just (Romaine) lettuce, slices of tomatoes and carrots, diced cheese, (sliced boiled egg) and tuna.

Most of the time I do not even put any dressing because some of the dressings are rather fattening.
This is a photo of our Italian Oregano plant:
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Tags: carrots, greens, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, lemongrass, lettuce, tea, tomatoes, tuna sandwich, vegetable salad
Disclaimer: I am not saying that the fresh lemon grass tea that my son had for several days was the answer in him not having any wheezes due to asthma. It could be coincidental or it could have been really effective with him.
I have written in one of my blogs about my son drinking warm lemon grass tea for several days now and that the asthma symptoms hasn’t been felt ever since he started drinking.
My youngest daughter had a slight fever yesterday and I asked her to drink the same tea preparation. After some time, her temperature had gone down.
Now I am sharing how this fresh lemon grass tea was prepared.
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Tags: fresh and natural, Fresh Produce, health, lemon grass tea, tea