Rainy days bring out the best or the worst in some of us.

Rainy days have inspired a lot of songwriters, poets and writers to write melancholic pieces that pinch the hearts of their readers/listeners.
Rainy days on the other hand, especially those that bring deluge cause flooding and ruin properties, even claiming lives.
Rainy days also mean no school for the children and this is a good reason to hone in the skills they have that do not have anything to do with school work. Practicing music, drawing pictures, even taking photos, and learning to cook are some of the ways children can cope with boredom when there is no school.
Oh,and also spelling tasks, just in case they misspell musician’s friend as musiansfriends
Tags: rainy days
The nights are colder now and rarely do I hear the complaint “it’s hot” from people.The rains, torrential and like cats and dogs most of the time, just when the children are on their way home from school, are at times too much to handle.
To those living in higher altitude, I guess it is time to bring out those heated mattress pads. For us who are in the lowlands, we minimize the use of electrical appliances that make the rooms cool since there is a lot of cool air circulating around.
Every afternoon, strong rains beat down on us. A lot of people are getting sick because from morning till mid-afternoon the sun is shining so brightly but the rains come down from mid-afternoon till evening.
How can one prepare for the rainy days to avoid getting sick?
- Take plenty of vit c love, be these in tablet form or from fresh sources.
- Get enough sleep and eat the right kind of food.
- Bring your umbrella and/or raincoat and/or rain gear every time you step out of your house.
- Rest if you fell unwell.
- Consult a doctor for persistent cough, flu, fever and/or runny nose.
Tags: cool weather, rainy days

SAD. This is Photo Hunt’s theme for today. I have written a long post about what makes me sad (and angry) here.
I will just post a simple photo and a few lines from Karen Carpenter’s song, Rainy Days and Mondays. Listen to her sing here.

I don’t know why but this photo makes me sad. It feels like…what does it feel like to you?
“No need to talk it out, we know what its all about. Hanging around, nothing to do but frown, rainy days and Mondays always let me down.”
What makes you sad?
Tags: nature photo, rainy days