Tag Archive 'cleaning up'

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Clean-Up Day

Manang Salve, my yard-cleaning lady came by today to clean up. We have so much dried leaves on the yard. I don’t particularly enjoy doing outdoor sweeping chores so she gets to do it.

I also asked her to clean up the bathroom located outside the house since even if no one uses it, it still gets dirty. She also cleaned the sinks in the “dirty kitchen”, removed cobwebs from the windows, and collected the trash.

We haven’t replanted yet, maybe when she comes back. My plants died when the rains came. Some got eaten by the dog especially those fragrant herbs. Grrr…. A caterpillar made home in one of the calamansi plants and almost ate all the baby fruits and the leaves as well. Maybe it became a butterfly already since the leaves are growing back.

And now I rest not because I got tired helping her but because I woke up a little after 4am to cooked packed lunch for the kids.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Jun 29th 2010 | Filed in From the Admin's Desk,Thought Bubble | Comments (1)

Vinegar for Cleaning

I have read about the wonders of vinegar as a cleaning agent. In fact, a good friend even blogged about it in our group blog.

Of course, this being an environmental friendly cleaning agent, I had to give it a try.

A few weeks ago, I tried it for the first time. I used the vinegar in cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. What I did was spray on the tiles and leave the vinegar for a while. Then I brushed using a tile grout brush. It worked! Even the bathroom faucets got shiny after the cleaning was done.

I smelled like vinegar after the cleaning was done but I didn’t mind at all because I can wash up and have the smell removed.

What made me appreciate using vinegar were the benefits: environment friendly, affordable and not chemical-based.

Posted by Treasure Jar on Dec 31st 2008 | Filed in FYI,Kitchen Needs,Purse Strings,Trivia | Comments (0)