What did you get for Christmas? Have you finally mastered the art of gifting after all these years?
New clothes? Toys for your children? A new bag? Tech toys? Kitchen gadgets? Dinner ware? Personalized pub mugs? Baked goodies? New shoes?
Or perhaps a new lease in life like what some of our brothers and sisters down south got.
I don’t know if it is considered as new lease in life if they survived but their family members did not. Yes, knowing as I am quite obsessed with knowing details when things like these happened, I read articles, watched videos, discussed when someone’s willing to listen and thought about them. I prayed for them too.
So now I ask again, “What did you get for Christmas?”
The answer depends on what values you treasure most: family, love, friendship, peace of mind, and being a channel to be able to help others are just a few things that may give satisfaction not just for Christmas but for the rest of the year.
Tags: Christmas, Christmas gifts, gifting
The Christmas shopping rush is over and I hope a lot are happy with the presents they got. Or maybe not.

I remember reading one time that in other countries, they give gift receipts so that the bearer can return the gift and get another item. Say what? That feels unfair to the giver who spent time and resources to get a gift.
Speaking of gift-giving, many credit card holders are probably reaching for their anti wrinkle face creams as they anticipate or hold in their hands their bills. I’m glad I don’t go through that since I do not have a credit card.
My motto, if you can’t pay in cash, then don’t get it. Period.
Tags: Christmas, credit, malling, shopping

Christmas caroling at a mall:

I see 12 sitting musicians/violinists 
I hope your Christmas was great! Merry Christmas!
Tags: caroling, Christmas, music
There have been a lot of gifts given and received that are great and practical like things that can be used for daily activities (like food containers and kitchen gadgets, wholesale insurance, gift certificates) such as there are those that are not practical.
I would not want to enumerate what the not-practical gifts are but you probably know what these are.
There is really no need to give lavish gifts like some people do. This year like last year, we gave small baskets of goodies with fruits and home-baked muffins. We even gave away candies to the children who come a-knocking on the gates for some Christmas tokens.
Gifts for the kids were wishes came true: they were asked what they needed and these were given to them. Yes, they knew what they were getting for Christmas
Corny but then again, at least they like what they get, right?
Tags: Christmas, family, gifting, gifts, Purse Strings
Halloween was just a few weeks ago and with the Christmas season in full swing, sweets abound. By sweets I mean cake, pastries, candy canes, candies and sweet memories. Ok, scrap the last part because I am really talking about those with sweet tooth and unlimited stomach space.
I am sure a lot of health-related issues after the Christmas season would center on two or three or even four concerns:
- high blood pressure due to excessive consumption of food high in cholesterol and animal fats,
- high blood-sugar level due to consumption of food that are not even supposed to be within two feet of the sufferer,
- cavities especially with children who are in dire need of a visit to Plano dentist clinics
- stomach-related problems like dyspepsia, indigestion and just plain eating a little bit too much.
The key to not getting sick in to do things in moderation and that includes eating, drinking, shopping, having fun, and partying.
Sure, one can always say it is the time to be happy and enjoy the company of family and friends but then again, knowing one’s limits is the best way to go so spend your holidays wisely 
Tags: Christmas, dining, family, food, Purse Strings, thoughts