- Creepy :: Hollow
- Links :: baiting is a good thing if links are not misleading
- Sane :: not everyone is
- Bun :: with butter is yum!
- Visual :: Delights
- Remote :: control
- Freaking :: annoying girl I see on TV makes me mad
- Curly :: hair
- Saga :: boring
- Different :: everyone is
Tags: Visual Delights

- Hell :: ‘s wrath is not probably great
- Scott :: sounds like a young boy’s name
- Dominion :: World Domination, mwahahaha!

- Stunt :: men do a lot of hard work
- Cougar :: am not
- Columbia :: B.C. or D.C.?
- Gasp :: OMG!
- Cancerous :: cells are not welcome
- Bitty :: itsy bitsy yellow polka dot _____
- Quit :: is something we know best when the timing and circumstances are right
Tags: introspection, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Habit :: routine
- Relaunch :: a lot of companies are doing this to attract more customers
- Mondays :: come too soon
- Bootstrap :: pull!
- Funk : -y music
- Appreciate :: makes one feel great
- Yay! :: Hooray!
- Life :: is a gift
- Sheets :: I have to change these ASAP
- Date night :: haven’t watched yet
Tags: appreciation, life, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play, words

- Bow out :: one should never give up whatever “fight” or situation he/she is in IF everything is worth it in the end
- Relationships :: are like two-way streets, there should be give and take
- Facebook :: is a place where (almost) long-forgotten and treasured ties are reconnected
- Items :: on sale like roller shades and container boxes are on my list
- Ours :: is not a good neighborhood
- Sting :: is one of my favorite singers
- Hangover :: rarely do I have this because I don’t drink
- Contacts :: important to have their numbers handy
- Lonely :: is a word I heard for people craving attention and spending endless hours in facebook
- Seven days :: we have for a week but it seems we need more especially when busy
- Children :: I love my children

- Saddlebags :: Harley cruisers
- Restraint :: when angry, I try to practice this
- Awake :: around 5am to prepare for daughter’s food
- Blood :: makes our hearts throb and keep us alive
- Shutter :: a part of the camera
- Posted :: ads, for sale items, job listings, discount auto insurance among other things
- Corn cob :: with butter and a little salt, yummy!
- Flagrant :: some people are, with their name dropping of brand names. social climbers, IMHO.
- Fart :: ugh! but we need to do this, right?

Tags: brand name droppers, saddlebags, social climbers

- Suitcase :: have one, will travel
- Exhaust :: Fan in the kitchen has been stolen years ago
- Olympics :: go, go, go!
- Video :: (s) of my children make me smile
- Cargo :: have one, will travel, just don’t have too much so you don’t pay extra

- Previously :: on NCIS…
- Wild card :: Its Your Lucky Day!
- Artificial :: relief for wrinkles, wrinkle cream
- Gambling :: I believe is an addiction that is an issue with a lot of people
- Exhibition :: Games are always fun to watch
Tags: mutterings, thoughts, Unconscious Mutterings, words