Among those who sing cover songs in YouTube, there is one we specifically love: Maddie Jane.
With today’s technology, it is easy to listen to songs we wouldn’t have access to years ago. In fact, upcoming bands and singers get easily recognized through the various means that people can listen to them. It is also easier to access their musical creations through music cd duplication.
To my aspiring little guitarist, I hope she also gets her break with the fickle-minded audience someday
I’ve always admired people who play the piano well. Ahem, the hubby used to play the piano for me. Used to, he can’t find time to play these days, being busy and all that stuff. All he ever ticks are laptop keyboards.
The hubby and I watched Jim Chappell from a different lifetime. We enjoy Yanni’s music, as well as David Benoit’s and maybe a couple more that I can’t remember.
A while ago I was listening (or more like You-Tubing) to a young man play the guitar with exceptional skills, I noticed the name Yiruma beside his videos. They are both Koreans.
Here is a video of Yiruma’s music.
Be prepared to be touched with the emotions that go with the song. It will surely tug your heart strings and open those tear ducts.