I dread housework. I am not good with household chores and that includes dusting furniture, cleaning the floor and washing the dishes. It is not surprising then that the garage floor is not clean.
I know I should be better, have to do better since I have allergies and so does my son so there should not be dust in the house especially during this time when the weather is windy and dust is all around.
There really is no excuse for this non-dusting.
Or is there?
Rose Milligan wrote in “Dust If You Must“:
Remember, a house becomes a home when you can write “I love you” on the furniture.
Tags: family, home, home management, housekeeping, thoughts

- MacGyver :: used to watch this
- Garter :: “bacon”

- Wedge :: lemon
- Inches :: feet
- Code :: Morse
- Water :: refreshing
- Running :: I am
- Curly :: Tops (locally made chocolate)
- Turkey :: dinner
- Stupor :: zzzz….
Tags: introspection, mutterings, Word Play, words

- Grace :: of God
- Shower :: of blessings
- Alice :: in Wonderland movie, we want to watch this!
- Purple :: Haze
- Apartment :: rent
- 3 :: my children
- Car :: trip
- Pregnant :: a friend
- Counselor :: human relations
- Discretion :: secret
Tags: introspection, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play, words

Have you watched the movie “August Rush”?
I did. I cried. I love the movie. I love the music.

August Rush said: “The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen.”
He also said: “But I believe in music… The way that some people believe in fairy tales.”
Wizard said: “You know what music is? God’s little reminder that there’s something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars.”
Click here to see what the movie August Rush is all about.
Classical music, my other entry.
Tags: August Rush, movie, music, words
The brown pony galloped towards the meadow. The young girl riding on its back is so happy to be out today. She loves to go riding and feel the cool breeze on her face. She will pick up wild flowers to bring home to her mom.
End of entry for oneword.
If only things are this easy and fun and people do not have to think of war, poverty, famine, child abuse, health insurance leads issues and concerns.
Alas, such is not possible for we have to undergo a lot of challenges which will make us better persons who hope to be able to cope with even more and bigger challenges.
Tags: challenges, thoughts, Word Play, words
She got her headband and gingerly fixed her hair. It is their first date after all and she wanted to look fabulous.
She is excited, giddy with anticipation. Would they have a good time together? Would there be a second one after this?
Ahhh… (buzzer sounded)
Join oneword and express your thoughts in 60 seconds.
Tags: headband, introspection, thoughts, Word Play, words