Fat Chubby children are perceived as healthy in this country. When adults see these overweight children, they say, “Ang lusog-lusog naman” meaning this child is so healthy.
Nowadays however, pediatricians, nutritionists and some parents are on a war path to curb overweight problems of children. Because these children can not take even those that are considered as safe diet pills that work, they need to be guided with the right way to enusre they develop healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.
What are some of the problem that go with being overweight? Children are emotionally and psychologically affected. They are susceptible to different kinds of illnesses like diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver, sleep disorders and heart-related problems.
If you love your children, start on a healthy lifestyle as a family and encourage them to do so too.
Not convinced yet? Read about the Food Revolution here.
Tags: childhood obesity, food revolution, oveweight children
I need to lose weight. ASAP. 
We are beach-bound in two weeks’ time, a post-summer short vacation, never mind if we are having the rainy season these days. Still I would say: “Woot!!!”
I know, maybe even if I run around the neighborhood (horrors!) several times everyday plus the lot of the best weight loss pills can’t take off the pounds that fast. Yep, I’ve gotten that big already.
So now, I will wait for an email that will tell me what to do even if the clock goes tick-tocking and nears the time I head to the beach.
Tags: beach, post-summer vacation, rainy season, vacation

- Authorized :: Persons Only
- Flirting :: is not always a fun thing to try, it could be risky.
- Bad :: choices are results of bad judgment
- Digit :: concept for place value of numerals is a Math lesson
- Sexy :: Mind has positive thinking, good vibes and full of creativity.
- Combinations :: for safety drawers like mmf drawer should not be forgotten
- Guard :: your belongings from sticky hands
- Retina :: eye care should be given importance
- Motion :: is the change of location or position of an object
- Concert :: events are fun things to go to
Tags: mutterings, Word Play

- Collectors :: items are expensive
- Passion :: fruit
- Winner :: brings home the trophy
- Uninhibited :: is best used for babies’ movements
- Challenge :: me to be more organized
- Self :: love is important
- Your :: name is?
- Viewer :: discretion is advised

- Random :: adventures are fun
- Vice :: president, he was nominated for but he lost. My son, I mean, for the class officers.
Tags: Me, mutterings, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

- Fresh air :: is the best
- Bodyguard :: lots of politicians have one or two or more
- Wedding :: is a solemn celebration
- Remind :: me to do the house chores

- Wicked :: chocolates!
- Crawling :: traffic during rush hour
- Gasoline :: is expensive
- Anyone :: can do what he/she wants if there is determination
- Dancing :: is fun!
- Wall :: climbing
Tags: fresh air, Unconscious Mutterings, Word Play

We have been blessed with a little rain two days ago. The roads though dried up so fast that people wouldn’t know it rained had they been inside a building where they can’t see that it did. I know months ago we have been praying for the rains to stop because it has caused so much damage. But this summer has been one of the hottest we have experienced so far that it seems like the news has reported “Today is the hottest day of the year” several times already.
The crops have died and the rivers dried. So much damage that the drought is as catastrophic as last year’s flood damages were.
Yup, I’ve stopped counting at 38 degrees C. The weather bureau reported that the rainy season will be starting soon seems far off since we are still experiencing unbearable heat even if the Southern part of the country has flooding.
I’m sure resort owners are not ready to bring out the hot tub covers yet since this means the peak summer season has ended.
As for me, I’ve missed out on a lot of outdoor activities of fun, sun and sand this year. Booo…
Tags: summer, summer rains