Reusable Containers for Meats
I brought some reusable containers with me when we went to the supermarket last week. These were ice cream tub, cream cheese tub and two microwaveable containers from takeout food. I first went to a Magnolia Chicken station but they refused to use my containers saying they will still put the chicken in plastic and it would be up to me to transfer in my containers. What’s the point, I wanted to use my containers to avoid using plastic that I will be throwing anyway. Staff said in their meeting, they will only use their branded plastic because their sales are based on the usage of plastic but how? Some like me, I used to ask for big extra ones when I buy more than 2 bags of chicken. Is that counted? That is even extra expenses on the company, on me, with the added burden of adding more plastic to the trash pile.
I then went to another meat shop, Tender Lean, when I noticed that they were using unbranded plastic bags for the meats. The staff was accommodating. He weighed my containers first before putting in the meats. Good job, Tender Lean meatshop. The staff said he knew what to do because they have clients who bring their own containers when they buy meats.
I will try this next to a meat shop near us because I know the staff there. I hope they will be more open to the idea.
We are not really big consumers of meat especially during the summer months. This batch will probably last us two weeks because I mostly use a small amount of meat for sautéing as can be seen in my #platefuloffun food photos.