Choosing a Career in the Philippines

The shift of career choices among Filipino college students depends upon the world economic growth, as I have personally observed. This may not be true but then again, this is my personal opinion.

More two decades ago, the health care career particularly those of nurses were amongst those who were wanted overseas. Earlier than that time, engineers and those who work in the construction and building were also needed elsewhere in the world particularly in the Middle East.

During the 80s, the shift to a different medical and health care option was physical and occupational therapy courses. This was also the decade then those who took the plunge in computer technology or computer science paved the way for IT experts and programmers who were needed overseas. It was also during this time when and until now, that teachers were being needed overseas.

It was also during the 80s I think, when Filipino domestic helpers, now aptly called, domestic managers “invaded” the rich Asian nations like Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Some of these are overqualified because some were teachers who earn a meagre pay but willing to take risks to work as such just s they can bring in more income for the family.

During the 90s, I think it was again back to the nurses although there was a time when they were not being requested in America so they shifted their migration elsewhere in Europe and Middle East.

Nursing during this time is not a good option since there was an oversupply of graduates and a lot of mediocre schools that sprouted all over the country. Some of these nurses trained to become caregivers to be able to go overseas for work, though no all caregivers are nurses.

I even get emails from nurses who are asking how to study special education just so they can go abroad, but this definitely is an entirely different story that may even have negative feedback about what I think or about me in general if I decide to write my opinions.

Doctors are even being recruited to work overseas as well as occupational therapists and speech-language therapists (oh, no, we only have a few good ones in this country).

These days, there is another new wave of career choice: Hotel and restaurant management or HRM. Some schools have even taken advantage of this trend so these schools require students to pay in dollars while some have tuition fee that run in hundreds of thousands of pesos. Merde!

For parents out there, be very patient in helping your children choose the right career choice. You probably don’t want to spend so much for their education that will not make them happy and/or productive people after they graduate.

Remember too, that education, though being a necessity, is really a luxury in this country.

Now do we need to wonder why professionals ask for exorbitant fees?

Treasure Jar Apr 20th 2009 06:02 am From the Admin's Desk,FYI,introspection No Comments yet Trackback URI Comments RSS

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