Fine Dining Means Eating Less While Paying More

Fine dining is something we don’t usually do, especially if we are the ones who will foot the bill. Yes, its that expensive on this side of the planet. Truth is, I would rather try (very hard) cooking food fit for fine-dining and serve these at home 😀

That is how a miser I am we are (oops, nabuking).

Anyway, here is a photo of a fine dining restaurant’s table, sans the china and silverware:

‘Hence, I am leaving it all up to you to help me come up with a more accurate description.” You wrote this and to that I answer:

fine dining means eating less while paying more 😉

So how do we eat these wee things?

While I ponder how to eat these things and if I can possibly prepare these at home, I will head off to read about insurance lead, who knows, I may be able to do this kind of business and get a commission that will enable me to go fine dining with my family and friends, without feeling guilty  😉

11 Responses to “Fine Dining Means Eating Less While Paying More”

  1. ces on 23 Mar 2009 at 9:19 am link comment

    very well said TJ! so true:) love the simplicity of those jars on the table:) and those mini buns! look so appetizing!:)

  2. iska on 23 Mar 2009 at 2:41 pm link comment

    eating less while paying more… so true. love it when somebody’s paying for it! haha!

  3. FoodieJenn on 23 Mar 2009 at 9:42 pm link comment

    Nice answer, teacher. Oo nga, I agree with your answer.

    My entry is here. Hope you can check it out. Have a great week ahead.

  4. Zriz on 23 Mar 2009 at 11:42 pm link comment

    hahaha tama ka Miss J! Pero sometimes, indulging is good….hehehehe 🙂

  5. Munchkin Mommy on 24 Mar 2009 at 12:49 am link comment

    eating less while paying more is one way of putting it, jul! actually, it’s more like, paying more for what could be had for less elsewhere! ahahaha!

  6. Pinky on 24 Mar 2009 at 4:07 am link comment

    Hmmm…with fine, teeny-weeny bites? 😉 Para mas masulit ang binayad dahil mas matagal kainin – hahaha! 😆

  7. Hubby's Cook on 24 Mar 2009 at 9:44 am link comment

    oo nga, fine dining means eating less while paying more. grabe!

  8. Ebie on 24 Mar 2009 at 10:41 am link comment

    Hehehe! I love the title of this post. TJ, your are so talented, very creative in your posts! Keep it coming!

  9. Dexie on 24 Mar 2009 at 9:44 pm link comment

    so true. mostly i’m like, “what the, where’s the rest of the cow?”… LOL

  10. Jay on 25 Mar 2009 at 1:52 am link comment

    ay korek ka jan kaya ako sa fishball-an ang fine dinning

    sorry late comment me to youmy entry is here

    magandang araw ka-lasa-ista 🙂
    Salamat sa pagbisita 🙂

  11. Jescel on 25 Mar 2009 at 9:32 am link comment

    you hit the nail on its head! how true… eating less, paying more.. hahhaha.. that’s why my hubby and i prefer to cook at home, and just do a great presentation.. hehheeh

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