Co-Sleeping on the Family Bed

Co-sleeping is one of the practices parents have when they have newborns. This is also being called as attachment parenting.

Here in the Philippines, it is a given to some families that children co-sleep with their parents even if they are way past being infants.

We co-sleep with our children till now when they do not feel well. Sometimes they just fall asleep on our bed and we don’t bring them to their own beds in the other bedroom. Sure, sometimes, its cramped but it just feels right for me.

Co-sleeping has its own pros and cons.

For infants, they are kept warm and can be breastfed any time they need to be. It promotes bonding between the parents and their child. Babies are able to sleep easily with their parents.

Some disadvantages can be lack of sleep and being cramped due to limiting space.

There are also several safety tips that I have read like this:

Make sure your mattress fits snugly in the bed frames so that your baby won’t become trapped in between the frame and the mattress.

For me, the benefits outweigh more than the disadvantages.

Do you co-sleep or have you considered co-sleeping?

Treasure Jar Dec 24th 2008 10:35 am Bonding Time,FYI,introspection,Trivia No Comments yet Trackback URI Comments RSS

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