Greens on our Table

Theme: Green

I love greens, from the raw vegetable salad to the greens like camote tops, malunggay leaves, pechay and others that go with other food cooked as viand. As a healthy alternative, I personally prepare my own vegetable salad for my consumption. This is way less expensive than if I have to buy those that are ready-made.

One of my favorite salads is made up of just (Romaine) lettuce, slices of tomatoes and carrots, diced cheese, (sliced boiled egg) and tuna.

Most of the time I do not even put any dressing because some of the dressings are rather fattening.

This is a photo of our Italian Oregano plant:

Frankly, I haven’t tried this yet with the dishes that we prepare at home, except for the homemade pizza we occasionally have.

The sole purpose of this is to be included in the Fresh Lemon Grass tea that we drink at home.

9 Responses to “Greens on our Table”

  1. spiCes on 24 Nov 2008 at 7:58 am link comment

    i wonder if there’s a difference between the italian variety and the regular oregano? have a great week ahead!

  2. G_mirage on 24 Nov 2008 at 2:54 pm link comment

    Pumpkin seed oil is a healthy-option to replace the dressing. I don’t like vinegar much so I use very little of it on salads. Ces, less smell perhaps ung Italian? hehe

    Have a nice week!

  3. Lynn on 24 Nov 2008 at 3:47 pm link comment

    I do the same for my salad. You bet it’s cheaper that way. I’d be having some tuna for my afternoon snack. 🙂

  4. Thess on 24 Nov 2008 at 7:10 pm link comment

    I must agree with you about preparing your own salad than buying those ready made ones…less expensive and you’re sure that your vegies are fresh!

    thanks for visiting my LaPis entry! 😉

  5. Pinky on 24 Nov 2008 at 8:17 pm link comment

    Wow, I admire you for actively going green in what you eat 🙂 We prepare a similar salad too at home except that we drizzle it with our fave Japanese sesame-seed-based dressing – yummy!

  6. admin on 25 Nov 2008 at 7:22 am link comment

    Italian oregano has smaller leaves. I am not sure how both are different in flavors and cooking preferences though, 😉

  7. admin on 25 Nov 2008 at 7:50 am link comment

    G, I have a bottle of vinegar-based dressing but its too sour for me, parang sasakitan ako ng tiyan 😀

    Will be on the look out for other options, thanks for the suggestion 🙂

  8. admin on 25 Nov 2008 at 7:53 am link comment

    Sometimes I wonder why these salads are very expensive, eh the vegetables are not that expensive naman. The dressing perhaps, maybe not. Its the profit of course 😀

  9. admin on 25 Nov 2008 at 7:56 am link comment

    So true about the freshness and one more thing, about how the food was handled as well. Tsaka mas mura siyempre 😀

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