Mamou Dark Chocolate Sans Rival

Last April when we went to do restaurant-hopping at Serendra for Spot.Ph, I have forgotten to write a post about it, one of the more memorable experiences for me was sampling the Dark Chocolate Sans Rival from Mamou, the Home Kitchen of Malou Fores.

Coupled with the fact that she was there to personally supervise the bloggers visiting her place, it was an experience that one would really feel at home and welcomed.

Anyway, for two-tone (even if its technically three-tone), I present Mamou’s Dark Chocolate Sans Rival.The topmost part is the dark chocolate and below it, the things that make a sans rival, well, sans rival.

The photo may be a bit blurry because I was already a bit tired here (photo below is #1103 whereas #0926 is the first photo) because we have walked from the other restaurants and sampled other food as well.

Dark Chocolate Sans Rival, so delicious, its like a melt-in-your-mouth experience which will not make you desperate for a glass of water because its not too sweet. Instead of water, one would probably get another bite 😉

There were different food preparations they have prepared for us. I must say these were good too. In fact, Market Manila named it best restaurant meal in Manila.

Treasure Jar Nov 10th 2008 12:05 am Plateful of Fun 8 Comments Trackback URI Comments RSS

8 Responses to “Mamou Dark Chocolate Sans Rival”

  1. Meeya on 10 Nov 2008 at 10:53 am link comment

    oh my goshhhh. my type of decadence hehehe! pwede bang magpa-fedex niyan dito??

    oh my goshhh.

  2. Jay on 10 Nov 2008 at 3:34 pm link comment

    this is great sans rival 🙂

    sorry im late. eto akin entry

  3. Pinky on 10 Nov 2008 at 6:40 pm link comment

    Yum! Would love to sample this during our next Manila visit! 🙂

  4. spiCes on 10 Nov 2008 at 9:55 pm link comment

    i’ve never had chocolate sans rival! by itself, it is an all-time fave..more so if you add chocolate, huh? sounds like an interesting place, i hope you can blog more about it next time!:) have a great week!

  5. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 3:25 pm link comment

    Meeya, you should try this when you get the chance to go home. Ibang klase.

  6. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 3:31 pm link comment

    Yeah, you and Jenn should try this, Jay 🙂

  7. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 3:33 pm link comment

    You should Pinky 🙂

  8. admin on 13 Nov 2008 at 3:36 pm link comment

    Thing is, Ces, its not that oily, unlike other sans rival I have tasted, parang sobra sa butter or whatever they use there. I honestly do not know how sans rival is done and what is put in there 😀

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