Thank You, Papa and Mama
The theme for this Saturday is THANKFUL
I came across this quotation about being thankful a few days ago when I was thinking about the post I will make for the theme: “It isn’t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart”
And I say “yes, I agree”
I am thankful about so many things which I wrote about in this other PH entry
I am thankful for my parents who may not have much in their pockets (like me, lol!) but have big hearts with overflowing love
We do not have a mansion with spacious rooms and high-ceilings but we felt like royalty because in the eyes of my parents, my brother and I are both the little prince and little princess
The home which is the witness of many wonderful moments is in bad shape and needs major repairs but we are hopeful that everything will fall into place
Thank you God for giving me a wonderful family