There was this classic television commercial about a little boy who was playing basketball with a pro player and I just had to look for it otherwise I will toss and turn and can’t sleep just thinking about it. I found a video of course.
Of course it seems unbelievably possible that the little boy beat the big guy. While I was watching the video which someone uploaded in YouTube, I was laughing and thinking, it could have been human growth hormone that the tvc was promoting and not evaporated milk, LOL.
Watch the video here:
Tags: television
I love watching Big Bang Theory 
I can totally relate to the characters especially Sheldon because I have met and worked with a lot of (future) Sheldons at work 
Click here to view a short clip
Of course, it may seem funny to those who are not initiated with how it is to live with these people who have issues with pragmatics and semantics
But then, I am glad that there are shows like these to enlighten people, and not ridicule and make fun of the fact that there are other people who are like Sheldon who needs understanding and patience from other people
Tags: television, tv series, tv shows