Cleanliness in the kitchen. This is a very important thing to remember.
Why not? Food is being prepared here, food not only to feed hungry tummies but food that will also nourish.
One of the most important places to observe cleanliness is the kitchen sink where most of the food being prepared, as well as the dishes and silverware that go with the food are washed and cleaned.
I use vinegar and/or baking soda in cleaning our sink and the tiles surrounding it. These two are more environment friendly and less harsh than chemicals.
What about you?
Tags: cleaning, cleanliness, kitchen

We always have fresh tomatoes at home. Tomatoes are wonderful fruits and there are many ways to use these for the different food that we like to have.
These may be omelet, pasta, ginisang ulam, eaten as side dish or as sandwich filling.

So why did I put these tomatoes instead of a photo of our (a bit cramped) kitchen? Because these are always on the kitchen counter several times a week for our food preparation 
In fact we just had an omelet a while ago for breakfast and you can probably guess what is in it 
Tags: food, food photo, kitchen, Lasang Pinoy Sundays, tomatoes